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What do they mean by CPU Priority?

I'm assuming that meant access to part of a processor, but how does that work with 4 CPU and 16x priority? (I'm working on the assumption that 1x priority ~= 1 core.) Of course, my assumption is probably wrong - just curious how this affects the load on a given server and how the VPS interacts with other VPS's on that node.

It's probably arbitrary units, so 16x just means 16 times more than 1x. I suspect that 1x is something like 1/8 or 1/4 of a core.

But the server configuration of 16x is different then 1x, they wouldn't be hosted on the same server; I still don't understand what the priority is relative to

For example, if 1x means 32 VMs per server and 16x means 2 VMs per server (assuming fair sharing), then the labeling is proportional to the minimum performance you can expect.

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