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New StartUp Makes Pizza Box That Turns Into Plates and Storage Device (ecoincorporated.com)
62 points by keltecp11 on Feb 15, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 29 comments

This falls into the "Doh! Why didn't I think of that!" category. It might not be earth shattering but it adds value for almost 0 manufacturing cost, and actually helps the environment a bit. I hope it catches on.

It might not be earth shattering

Capitalism is earth shattering -- new and improved pizza boxes are one (appreciated) cog in the machine.

Imagine explaining this to a bewildered medieval peasant:

"What manner of device is this?"

"Oh, its a pizza box."


"Hot bread with cheese on it delivered directly to your door by servants."

"So you are a noble?!"

"No, I work at a bookstore. You look surprised."

"A STORE IN WHICH YOU CAN BUY BOOKS?! But they're priceless! And you have enough people who can read them!"

"Everybody reads these days. So yeah, this pizza box is special -- it folds neatly to fit in the trash."


"Sigh This bin over here. For disposal of refuse!"

"My goodness there is a lot of it!"

"That's because I can afford food every day."

"But isn't it heavy when you have to carry it to the midden heap?"

"Midden heap? Oh, you mean landfill. People do that for me."

"Again with the servants!"

this is precisely why socialists piss me right off. capitalism has made me a serf to the whims of the moneyed. really? pretty sure that was how it was before capitalism. In the modern age I can decide where I work, where I live, and how I spend my time away from work. Oh what's that? In socialism the government would decide all that for me to best maximize my productivity? What then, is the difference between those pesky nobles and the state? Nobles tell you what to do so that you will best serve noble interests. The state tells you what to do so that you will best serve state interests. socialism and communism are not new and they did not originate with Marx. It is the same old elitism that has been running since one ape decided that he was the alpha male and would decide what is best for the tribe. Communism is simply a reactionary form of elitism, reacting to the fact that humans have finally found a better way.

Nobody will change their Pizza purchasing habits for a perforated box ERGO pizza stores will not pay a premium for a perforated box ERGO great idea, but it will never see the light of day BECAUSE it has a patent.

If anything this is a good example of patent laws gone wrong. It has little to do with protecting and rewarding innovation, only protecting and rewarding corporations and other well healed individuals with patent lawyers.

If nobody would buy it anyway, then how is the patent holding anyone back? It's just saving them from failure.

If somebody would buy it, then this scrappy little startup has a chance.

I'm not sure I agree with your first principle here though. The interesting thing about this box is that it has utility. Beyond being a "greener" option (I quote that because having your pizza delivered and then worrying about the environmental cost of paper plates seems to be like cutting off your toes and then worrying if you need to buy smaller shoes) it obviates the necessity of paper plates. And simply perforating a box may add very, very little extra cost.

A smart startup would have low licensing fees to make it affordable. Maybe a few cents per box. Once one big company uses the idea to get new customers, chances are others will have to follow at the expense of not being a "green" company.

I would buy it. Im a vegitarian and when I buy vegitarian I choose to do so because it might save another cows life. Its good for humanity and life on this planet.

I would buy the pizza box because it does exactly that. It helps humanity. If you think about it, the box prob only costs another 5 cents to make.

On the website they actually claim it is at "NO ADDITIONAL EXPENSE" (caps are on website). So effectively it is free marketing opportunity for the company buying it at no additional expense to the buyer. Since the barrier to change (for the buyer to their box) is so low I have a hard time imagining some pizza shops doing this.


They should make a quick video demonstrating the "transition" of pizza box to plates and storage container. Would help people visualize it better.

Ok, then they should make that MUCH more evident from the home page. It should replace that big image.

Something very like this was pitched on CBC's "Dragon's Den" in Canada (think 'American Inventor'). One of the investors on the program ("dragons") happens to own a pizza franchise company, and they were already in talks about the product.

Nobody on the program invested IIRC.

That was the first thing I thought of too, I think they pretty much laughed at him I don't recall Jim Treliving (Boston Pizza) saying he had something like it but then again I don't really remember much of that particular show.

Can anybody who knows anything about patent law tell us how hard it would be for competitors to design around this patent?

From their website (http://ecoincorporated.com/ecoincorporated.com/US_Patent.htm...):

"The ‘Green Box’ patent was issued in May of 2006. In addition, environmentally conscious organization, Inc. currently has two (2) outstanding patent applications to cover any possible work around of this design."

Sounds useful for college, where often there aren't plates where there is pizza. Other places, I think it loses some utility.

Even when you have plates, sometimes it's nice not to have to wash them.

Agreed. Also very useful for parties/outdoors. I mean, not having to do dishes is a big plus and gives the cardboard a second use before it gets thrown away.

Most college pizza parties did not have plates, we just ripped apart the boxes if we cared about not making a mess. Noone cared because they were stuffing their faces.

I was working in an office in London, and about once a month we would order pizza. The problem was we either had to trek downstairs for plates or tear off pieces of the pizza box. Needless to say we usually ended up tearing apart the box, so this would definitely have been a wonderful pizza box for us!

Hopefully delivery places start ordering these quickly!

This reminds me of the boxes from Hell Pizza, which can be turned into a coffin "for your remains":


I'm not sure that anybody will buy this, especially if it costs more than an ordinary pizza box. It simply doesn't add that much value.

You might be able to build a market out of eco-guilt in the bay area, maybe.

I don't get it - it says on the website that it doesn't cost more so why WOULDN'T somebody buy it? Same cost and the convenience of plates and storage. Sounds like a good idea to me.

Very cool; could make even better by decorating the bottom of the box. Maybe even with advertisements for themselves or third-parties.

Be right back, I'm going to patent using a yogurt container to store food other than yogurt...

Clever, although I'd probably still continue folding the slice in half like I do now

A website counter, classy.

just like the guy that sold mini plastic tables to keep the box sturdy...

These guys were showcased at the Wharton Entrepreneurial Conference last Friday. They have an incredible team and much better videos thn those listed on their website.

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