> Ada in Europe? Interesting, where did you encounter that?
I heard it at this year FOSDEM.
Since GNAT availability many universities seem to be making use of it. As for the industry I guess it still constrained to the usual types of systems where Human life is very important.
As for the libraries you're doomed to have that for all libraries that are not part of the standard library. Even the "comes with batteries" languages suffer from this when you need to integrate external libraries.
If Java and .NET didn't happen, maybe there would already be an InteliJ for C++. I am looking forward for the tooling progresses made possible by using the compiler as plugins, as clang shows.
Well, if you've got a pretty big standard library, you've got more on which to base external libraries on, regarding the style of the code. The STL alone didn't really provide a big enough template. Sometimes it even went the opposite way, so when you read something in lower-case letters with underscores, you knew that you were using the "core C++ language", putting things like "vector" and "reverse" closer to keywords than library APIs.
Especially if the rest of the code base was the usual OO class forest.
I knew of Ada use in teaching, it seems to be quite popular for some advanced "software engineering" courses. Then again, I've seen a pretty great amount of Algol-family languages there, out of proportion to the actual practical use. Oberon was quite popular for a while, as it was a very small language to teach and the barriers to running your first programs were basically non-existant (as you can easily call your module function directly, compared to the rather perplexing "public static void main" of introductory Java courses).
I heard it at this year FOSDEM.
Since GNAT availability many universities seem to be making use of it. As for the industry I guess it still constrained to the usual types of systems where Human life is very important.
As for the libraries you're doomed to have that for all libraries that are not part of the standard library. Even the "comes with batteries" languages suffer from this when you need to integrate external libraries.
If Java and .NET didn't happen, maybe there would already be an InteliJ for C++. I am looking forward for the tooling progresses made possible by using the compiler as plugins, as clang shows.