I'm pretty sure God doesn't read HN. I guess maybe she might. I wouldn't rely on Him upvoting your comment however.
Also this isn't Reddit. So if you have like nothing to add to a conversation, exercise some restraint and don't post, for the benefit of everyone else.
Noise pollution is a real problem with documented health effects.[0] So either ignore it and contribute to the problem or make yourself aware of it and be a better person. I could care less, to be honest.
If a slightly noisier than usual bicycle of all things "destroys" your environment, then you have some seriously deep-seated issues. I mean, give me a fucking break, where could you possibly live that such a thing could be a notable offender? Otherwise you are just being an obnoxious drama-queen troll.
> I'm pretty sure God...
Are you really, genuinely, unfamiliar with the concept of an idiom? No, I doubt that; you aren't stupid, you are just a troll.
Do yourself a favor, if you are honestly interested and not "trolling", then query your favorite scholarly search engine for the effects of noise on plant and animal life and find some information that will be helpful. I can almost guarantee you will find something to read; however I refuse to do it for you. Here is a balanced study that relates the necessary decibels to impact pollination/predation in a controlled study at a level of 12 db[0]. 12 db is significantly less than the energy produced from human conversation at a distance of 3 feet.
The word you are grasping for but missing is "aggregate".
Spare me the rest of your hyperbole. I can't speak for others but I have zero use for your "idioms" as evidence or exasperations as they add nothing to the conversation.
Finally, if you prefer analogies, please consider this one: "It's not like the CO2 the exhaust from my car emits can actually affect global warming since it is only slightly higher than my neighbors". Noise and light pollution are real and growing faster than the rate of human population, sorry to ruin your day.
>I have zero use for your "idioms" as evidence or exasperations as they add nothing to the conversation.
And I have little use for your deliberate obtuseness. The display of exasperation and disbelieve is me calling you out for obvious general unpleasantness.
But no, you are right. Bicycle coconut clappers have undoubtedly destroyed your environment.
Also this isn't Reddit. So if you have like nothing to add to a conversation, exercise some restraint and don't post, for the benefit of everyone else.
Noise pollution is a real problem with documented health effects.[0] So either ignore it and contribute to the problem or make yourself aware of it and be a better person. I could care less, to be honest.
[0] http://www.epa.gov/air/noise.html