My point is writing a blog post saying python is neither call-by-value nor call-by-reference is made up shit and does nothing for someone who doesn't already understand it. Someone who doesn't already understand it will have to work through to get the gist of call-by-value and object references.
The blog post didn't simplify anything for someone who doesn't already understand it. So why not stick with terminology which is used by Java, C#, C among others?
>My point is writing a blog post saying python is neither call-by-value nor call-by-reference is made up shit
I guess so, in the sense that all of those terms are "made up shit". But they are useful for explaining the concepts.
>The blog post didn't simplify anything for someone who doesn't already understand it. So why not stick with terminology which is used by Java, C#, C among others?
Apparently, as others have pointed out here, the term "call-by-sharing" has largely come into popular use from people explaining how Python works in user groups. That's a strong indication that it actually is a pretty effective way to help newbies understand it.
The blog post didn't simplify anything for someone who doesn't already understand it. So why not stick with terminology which is used by Java, C#, C among others?