There have actually been employees at one large, undisclosed game company poking at Rust, curious to gauge its suitability for writing game engines. It's far too early yet to make that call, but the interest is definitely encouraging.
Sorry, I don't. This conversation took place on IRC a while ago (maybe a month? less?) and I can't recall the specifics. All I remember is that it was a company large enough to have an R&D division (the user politely declined to mention the company's name), and that he'd been using Rust for several months--highly suprising given the incredibly volatile state of the language throughout the past year.
If you're dead-set on a citation, you can check the IRC logs at ...but be warned that the search function is rather lacking (I had no luck remembering any terms to conjure the correct results). Your best (and most tedious) bet is probably to just run backwards in the history until you find it.