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The Infinite Jukebox (echonest.com)
63 points by brianwhitman on Nov 11, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

It's a bit entertaining to listen to a song backwards beat-wise. (Click play, hit the left arrow key twice, click at the end of the song.)

Small UX nitpick: The fact that the 'recent uploads' had a regular text mouseover image led to me wondering for a couple of seconds whether something should happen if I click. Did it anyway, I've been jamming for a while. It wonder if how the HN demographic maps to genre popularity.

Its a little shaky, and takes a bit to load, but this is truly incredible.

On Chromium 25, it wouldn't load, so I checked the console and saw "Uncaught Error: SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12 jremix.js:28".

Does anyone know of a downloadable program that can do this?

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