Wow nice one!
This is what the new idea I'm working on is all about.
I still have a half developed primitive version of an already successful idea in the west and I hate to copy ideas. But the one I'm working on is a local version that suits the prices and standard of living locally. I've even edited the idea to make it simpler to understand as guys in my surrounding are not too much into tech (they rarely understand the internet. for them all they know is that there's a gate to it called google).
I was always wondering if this was a valid base to work on an idea.
I think this article makes a really good point and has got me thinking. We all want to build cool things and innovation is key. Although, in these times I think coming up with solutions to make people and/or businesses more efficient might be even more innovative.
Save someone Time
Save someone Headache
Save someone Money
Make someone Money
Make someone cool(er) by association
Make someone smart(er) by association