I would think twice about taking relationship advice aimed at Forbes's readership.
Scratch that. I would think about it once and then actively ignore it. The poor tender egos that they have to coddle and actively shelter from smart, talented, driven women have absolutely no relation to mine. Their worldview is so alien as to be antithetical.
These are the B players that hire C players: in work as in family.
My advice? Surround yourself with brilliance, talent, drive and passion in all aspects of your life.
Surround yourself with brilliance, talent, drive and passion in all aspects of your life
Well put! As always with surrounding yourself with brilliance, talent, drive and passion, you will find that your life after that will not be easier but it will definitely become more fun, more challenging and you'll grow faster (not physically :P)
These are the B players that hire C players: in work as in family.
My advice? Surround yourself with brilliance, talent, drive and passion in all aspects of your life.
Career people in some of the most demanding careers are B players. I'm talking about investment bankers and white-shoe "biglaw" attorneys. These are people who are "ambitious" in the sense of having strong (and indiscriminate, the image of a garbage disposal coming to mind) work ethics, but the content of whose ambitions are base and regrettable.
I agree, though, that a hard-working startup entrepreneur (regardless of gender) is a desirable mate. The same is true of a successful academic, doctor, writer, artist or teacher.
When people use "career women" pejoratively, they're usually talking about corporate and banker girls, the alpha chicks who are "in it to win it" but haven't reflected for a second on whether the prize holds any value whatsoever, much less whether or not it justifies the Pyrrhic nature of any victory attained.
Scratch that. I would think about it once and then actively ignore it. The poor tender egos that they have to coddle and actively shelter from smart, talented, driven women have absolutely no relation to mine. Their worldview is so alien as to be antithetical.
These are the B players that hire C players: in work as in family.
My advice? Surround yourself with brilliance, talent, drive and passion in all aspects of your life.