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I venture to say careers and relationships have separate evolutionary roles. Relationships are for companionship, which increases survival potential (two can survive in a cave in the dead of winter better than one), which obviously increases potential for spreading one's own genes, or helping the genes of one's community to spread. The surviving genes will be more disposed to forming relationships. Careers (hunting/gathering) are obviously for survival, for obtaining basic necessities. Careers are the primary driver for survival. Relationships are more a tertiary, but still important, factor for survival. A career entails being a good hunter to bring meat, warm fur, and so forth, into my cave, for example. But having a relationship with somebody helps my emotional well-being, helps me get better sleep perhaps, which in turn makes me a better hunter. So I don't think in a relationship two people need the same careers or whatever. Careers and relationships simply play different, but mutually supportive roles for the benefit of the genes. Personally I tend to gravitate relationship-wise towards "artistic" type drag queens, who tend to not be too high-tech, but talented in other ways, like say karaoke. But that is fine, because it serves a different evolutionary purpose for the selfish gene than my own personal career interest in technology. In short, to be a good (read: successful) "gene-carrying robot", we need not have relationships that are in the same vein as our careers, rather, to serve the gene, we need only try to be happy, which increases our survival potential, which helps the gene. From an evolutionary point of view, the simple rule is to try to find someone that makes one happy. That is all the gene asks. Not a bad set of affairs, eh? :-)

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