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This is one of the files in a project I've worked on last week.


I removed all the top-level type declarations, and only one definition broke, because of the MR.

  showP :: Show a => a -> String
  showP = parenify . show
Once I removed the type declaration, I made it work again by adding a parameter to avoid the MR:

  showP x = parenify (show x)
and everything compiles smoothly.

Feel free to browse the bottle repo -- and try to build it without top-level declaration. Apart from a few functions in the entire project that use Rank2, you won't need any declarations.

Thanks for sticking with this conversation.

This is very good code.

One difference I see between our styles that may explain the differences in behavior we see is that you're quite meticulous about importing only the parts of modules you need, and you make heavy use of qualified imports. My style has been to import everything in case I need it later and only use qualified imports when absolutely necessary, and it must be creating the unnecessary ambiguity that I have to deal with. I will try to adopt your style and see if it cleans up my error messages, and I'll encourage my friends to do the same.

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