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This is going to be interesting actually. Article 19 of the Indian constitution grants right to freedom of speech.

    *All citizens shall have the right* —
    to freedom of speech and expression;
    to assemble peaceably and without arms;
    to form associations or unions;
    to move freely throughout the territory of India;
    to reside and settle in any part of the territory of      India; and
    to practise any profession, or to carry on any    occupation, trade or business.

    *These rights are limited so as not to effect*:
    The integrity of India
    The security of the State
    Friendly relations with foreign States
    Public order
    Decency or morality
    Contempt of court
    Defamation or incitement to an offence

Their aim is not to send him to prison, but to trouble him and give him so many hassles with police and courts that he finally gives up.

By that way, they get to 'teach him the lesson' and 'make him example' to deter others from doing it.

> By that way, they get to 'teach him the lesson' and 'make him example' to deter others from doing it.

I think it's going to back fire as it has done in the recent past.

That is exact point, the ruling party trying to do. Because most of the internet is flooding with articles against this govt.

That has enough loopholes to drive a small dictatorship through, though.

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