If you want to learn about the evolution and operation of Mission Control, "Failure Is Not an Option"[1] by Gene Kranz (Ed Harris in Apollo 13) is fantastic.
For more Apollo geekery, check out "Moon Lander: How We Developed the Apollo Lunar Module" [2] by Thomas J. Kelly, the Grumman Program Manager. His guidelines for making the LM reliable are just as relevant today:
* Specify the highest quality systems and components the current state of the art could achieve.
* Provide system-level redundancy whenever possible, preferably by dissimilar means...
* Provide component-level redundancy at the highest component level possible...
* Strive for simplicity and ample design safety margins.
* Test extensively and exhaustively in various environments and stress levels, including stress to failure. Document all failures and investigate until the specific cause is found and design, manufacturing, or operational corrections have been made.
For more Apollo geekery, check out "Moon Lander: How We Developed the Apollo Lunar Module" [2] by Thomas J. Kelly, the Grumman Program Manager. His guidelines for making the LM reliable are just as relevant today:
* Specify the highest quality systems and components the current state of the art could achieve.
* Provide system-level redundancy whenever possible, preferably by dissimilar means...
* Provide component-level redundancy at the highest component level possible...
* Strive for simplicity and ample design safety margins.
* Test extensively and exhaustively in various environments and stress levels, including stress to failure. Document all failures and investigate until the specific cause is found and design, manufacturing, or operational corrections have been made.
[1] http://www.amazon.com/Failure-Not-Option-Mission-Control/dp/...
[2] http://www.amazon.com/Moon-Lander-Developed-Smithsonian-Spac...