Simple app yet fills a need I had when talking with people about fitness/training/health. RubyMotion is awesome and I highly recommend using it if you don't want to venture down Obj-C land.
I'm honestly terrible with photoshop so I don't really know how to make icons (or what they should look like). I thought about text but I think it wouldnt look right with the text right under it. I highly recommend rubymotion, it's absolutely awesome.
I'm very curious to know how this app did its first couple days... I wonder about utilities like this on the appstore.
My hypothesis is that you'd do $50 over the first three days and then less than that each month thereafter (unless you have some sort of marketing, but how would you market an app like this?)
This isn't criticism, it's curiousity. I don't think you've done anything wrong, it's a perfectly decent app and serves a clear need. (Though I'd put icons in the tab bar if you could, even just images of the text BMI, etc, would look better.)
It was approved on Saturday and as of today I've sold 8 copies. I wasn't really expecting to sell many as I put the price high and this was more of a simple project to dig into rubymotion. Thanks for the comment
Gems I used: Bubble-Wrap and Formotion