Wow! This might have deeper implications than you imagine.
Have you guys thought about the outcomes for ballot initiatives, or for enterprise sales?
In particular, this kind of tech might have a disruptive impact on the initiative process in California (which costs around $1M-10M in signature-gathering costs to bring something to the voters), and on the enterprise sales cycle (which involves exchange of PDFs between multiple parties, at a lower conversion rate than a streamlined web process).
I doubt a cheaper, easier system for filling the California ballot with propositions will improve things.
(There's a good case much of the current budget mess and general non-accountability of elected officials is the result of constraints added by prior populist initiatives.)
Have you guys thought about the outcomes for ballot initiatives, or for enterprise sales?
In particular, this kind of tech might have a disruptive impact on the initiative process in California (which costs around $1M-10M in signature-gathering costs to bring something to the voters), and on the enterprise sales cycle (which involves exchange of PDFs between multiple parties, at a lower conversion rate than a streamlined web process).