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Not sure what your objective is with the site so I have made some assumptions and here are few simple things I would do:

a)Get more info above the fold. There is so much space which can be utilised. Ex: The left category bar can be pulled up so viewers at first glance can see the entire inventory and choose directly without having to scroll down. Give them the answer before they ask. b)Since albums/art work are the main part of your site I would suggest getting a slider/carousel style template so you can give more info in less space. Ex: TheFilmReview.com (see how they use the slider to their advantage, not perfectly done but you get the idea). c) Since this is a music oriented website, give it more life. Here are a few examples how a music/band websites should look: http://www.mybandtheme.com/features/17-beautiful-layouts/ d)Single page websites, especially ones which do not have enough relevant content/information, and redirect users to other sites forcing them to purchase products are a hard sell. I would suggest once they click on one of the albums take them to a dedicated page where there is some info about the album (history/concept/production) and on that page populate your affiliate links or redirect people from there. Give users info they are seeking and that will lead to purchase. All a quick redirect with no relevant info leads to is a high bounce rate.

Hope this helps.

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