Ljubljana (and Slovenia in general) is an awesome place, it was definitely the one of the highlights of my Summer European motorcycle tour.
If you ever find yourself in Slovenia, try a Cockta (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockta) which is much nicer than Coke or Pepsi. Then see how your Satnav pronounces Ljabljana ("La-Juble-Jana")
For a few years? Hardly. Actually living in another country is extremely different from traveling for a few months. You don't know much about a country until you live your everyday life there, shop at the grocery stores, participate in cultural events, go to the doctor, pay bills, rent an apartment, go through the immigration process, have a JOB etc. You don't truly know a place by just traveling there.
I was fortunate enough to live in Europe in the late 90s (southern Spain), and have traveled the content fairly extensively but left so much unseen and undone. Cannot wait to get back.
What would be even more fun is a 'parallel text' from one of your work mates in Slovenia recording the arrival, adventure, and departure of this American programmer...
If you ever find yourself in Slovenia, try a Cockta (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockta) which is much nicer than Coke or Pepsi. Then see how your Satnav pronounces Ljabljana ("La-Juble-Jana")