Good written article, I agree with most of it, except:
> Don’t just complain or critique, offer up solutions too;
I often had the feeling that, when I got offered a solution from a good guy who's opinion I value, the usually limited time could be better spend with critique or hints.
Say I describe my solution A and solution B is offered, I don't know why she/he values B more than A.
Could be: 1) She/he knows something about A or B that I don't.
2) I know something about A or B that she/he doesn't.
3) She/he doesn't have additional knowledge. but she/he weights it differently.
In cases 1) and 3) I can hardly go ahead and implement solution B correctly. Case 2) is actually not that unlikely if I have spent a lot of time on the topic.
So if instead she/he tells me what is wrong about A or which opportunity I may exploit, I can use that info to either do B, or more often, come up with C.
> Don’t just complain or critique, offer up solutions too;
I often had the feeling that, when I got offered a solution from a good guy who's opinion I value, the usually limited time could be better spend with critique or hints.
Say I describe my solution A and solution B is offered, I don't know why she/he values B more than A.
Could be: 1) She/he knows something about A or B that I don't. 2) I know something about A or B that she/he doesn't. 3) She/he doesn't have additional knowledge. but she/he weights it differently.
In cases 1) and 3) I can hardly go ahead and implement solution B correctly. Case 2) is actually not that unlikely if I have spent a lot of time on the topic.
So if instead she/he tells me what is wrong about A or which opportunity I may exploit, I can use that info to either do B, or more often, come up with C.