Please don't do things to make titles stand out, like using
uppercase or exclamation points, or adding a parenthetical
remark saying how great an article is. It's implicit in
submitting something that you think it's important.
plus i have a very strong distain about anyone or anything (i.e. headlines) which tell me what i MUST do / know / think... - also the article above is about a very basic language feature of JS that hopefully anyone who has every touched JS already knows about.
Amusingly, the original title has a spelling mistake: "Javascript: Function Inovcation Patterns."
But enough burying the lede. The issue I have with this title is simple: It's not clear WHY I must know these patterns: The focus of the post is not why I must know them, but rather This post explains the four patterns, how to use them and what to watch out for. Had the post kicked off by explaining that not knowing one or more of these patterns could lead to disaster, I'd be onside with the submission title rewrite (sans emphasis).
> the article above is about a very basic language feature of JS that hopefully anyone who has every touched JS already knows about.
Hopefully, yes, but I think reality is much more depressing than that. Unfortunately, the JavaScript programmers that don't know probably don't read Hacker News either.
Actually, I only have a vague understanding of this and I'm probably what you would call an expert. I have used many of these features in JS, but like the author says it's unintuitive and "wrong" the way javascript does it. Basically OOP is a horrible hack in JS, and this is a very good article explaining various gotchas that I wasn't aware of.
I agree this article is kind of javascript 101.
And it doesnt do a great job explaining exactly why things are the way they are in javascript. And these are not patterns , since they are built in the language. It would be like saying using the world class in java is using a pattern...
I dont see the point featuring it on HN...
One portion of Douglas Crockford's book "JavaScript: The Good Parts" describes invocation patterns thoroughly.
It might be that the author of the post was inspired by this book. Since he hasn't mentioned it, I did it in case someone wants to know more about the topic (and doesn't know about the book).
He does, but it's indirect. In the article he says: "There is a remedy which was championed by Douglas Crockford: Augment Object with a create method that accomplishes what the constructor invocation pattern tries to do."
That sentence contains a link to another page on OP's site which at the top says "Douglas Crockford's wonderful book JavaScript: The Good Parts does a fanastic job of explaining this topic, and I urge the interested reader to buy his book."
Thanks for pointing it out. I didn't see it. Your comment motivated me to look at the whole post about JavaScript prototypes again and read it. It is very good, I refreshed my knowledge about Object.prototype, Function.prototype design.
He's wrong in the "Constructor Invocation" example.
function Foo(type) {
this.type = type;
return type;
var bar = new Foo(5);
`bar` DOES equal 5. When you return something in a constructor, it returns it instead of returning the newly constructed object. This is a neat way for constructing different types of things.
And most of his complaints are just because he doesn't understand how `this` scoping works in javascript. If you don't understand something, don't just blame it on "bad patterns". It might not be the most intuitive, but once you learn it, it's fine. Sure, I have to bind `this` to a different function here and there, but these problems are not that bad in real world javascript.
No, it doesn't. Javascript is a bit weird when it comes to return statements inside constructors. `bar` will be equal to `type` only if `(type instanceof Object) == true`. Otherwise, it will be a new object.
Huh, you're right. I thought I typed that at the REPL and it gave back 5, but obviously I typed the wrong thing.
Almost all cases that I've used this functionality have been to return a different object. I suppose when you say "new" you're supposed to expect an object, which is why it works that way.
a good time to point out that calling Object() without "new" returns a new object. This is often unexpected when creating inheritance schemes that chain the parent constructor.
Not sure I understand your comment, given the link you gave.
IMHO the return value of calling `Object()` without parameters is exactly what one would expect. Calling it w/ parameters is what I think causes surprising behavior
For the `` case, I'd expect it to return a new object (and not x), for the same reason I'd expect [] to return a new array (and not arguments).
[] returning a new argument is fundamentally different because you would not want x.slice(1,2) to modify x in order to produce an appropriate sublist to return. Perhaps it's just me, but I expect a constructor to initialize "this" (optionally returning "this"), but not returning {};
window.test = 2
var b = //this is the same as `var b = window.Object()` and therefore the same as `var b = Object()`
assert(b.test == 2) //why should this be true?
> Scoping: Javascript uses C/Java notation but it does not have block scope, only function scope. That to me seems very misleading.
Yes, it is, but we weren't talking about that problem. That is already solved in ES6 with `let`, which is approved and will be available in about a year.
> And with regards to `this`, the way function invocation sets `this` differs totally from method invocation. How can this not be a problem!
Function and method invocation are different things, with different semantics. It's like that in many other languages too. Sure, the way `this` is handles is a problem sometimes, but I think it's overblown.
I just want to give you some feedbacks in the comments (I am the author of this article).
Firstly, with regards to the title, I did not read the newsguidlines document - I have submitted links in the way and style that other people did. For sure, in the future, I will follow these guidlines, but this must be a huge problem as lots of people do this.
Secondly, these are patterns (not language features). Yes, I was inspired by Douglas Crockford's book where he describes this as patterns. To me describing them as patterns makes sense: For instance, there is really nothing different about calling a method and a function. If you have to make a difference, then it is a pattern. And because putting new in front of a function also calls that function, it is in my mind a pattern. And in that sense, so is apply.
But I welcome the debate, and thanks for the constructive comments. I will take all these comments into consideration the next time I submit something.
There is an easy way to get round this problem, but it is in my opinion a hack. One gets around this problem by assigning a varialbe (by convention, it is named that) to this inside the function
Exactly. Stuff that's built directly into the language isn't a pattern, it's a feature (perhaps a wart in this case). From Wikipedia [1]:
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. A design pattern is not a finished design that can be transformed directly into source or machine code. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations. Patterns are formalized best practices that the programmer must implement themselves in the application.
There's an error in his first 'Function Invocation' example, the answer is 500, not 501.
[Reason: 'this.value++;' in the method invocation refers to obj.value, since 'this' is bound to 'obj'. Only in the innerFunction function invocation does 'this' bind to the global object.]
It clicked for me when I decided that there were no methods and considered all function invocations to be special cases of `apply`. Then the case you mentioned becomes a bog standard case of a property lookup, and the callback becomes a case of `apply(window, [args])`.
This is exactly the catch with respect to function invocation method that I was trying to point out. It seems that in a call back method, `this` gets bound to the global object. I suspect it is because it is called with the same mechanism that is used for function invocation. That being said, I did not use this example because one needs to implement a callback to see the error. My example that I chose in my article was designed so that anyone could just create the JavaScript, fire it up in a browser, and see the error for themselves.
I do however intend to use an example similar to the one you have presented when I cover closures and scoping in JavaScript.
And trivially easy to shim for older browsers. I would really recommend using Function.prototype.bind instead of the 'var self = this' or library bind functions (such as $.proxy), it's just the way it should be written :)
I have yet to find a use for constructors in a real world problem. I've been able to do anything I ever wanted to with object literals. I'm not sure why there is so much emphasis placed on object prototypes.
I did not downvote your comment, but it is fundamentally incorrect. If your JavaScript program has been designed well, then asynchronisity by using an event driven model is the way to go. But that is very different to what I said about functions stopping the execution of the current function. This is true. For example
var func1 = function() {
//Execute something here
var func2 = function() {
//Execute something here
func1(); //Stop execution of this function, and rather execute func2
//Execute something here