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The idea is good i.e. teach journalists to hack. But there's a conflict of interest. Look who's doing the teaching. Mozilla and Google are in business together.

Mozilla != journalists

Mozilla == web developers == middleman

FAIL. (It's been tried before: Web developers purporting to "help" journalists. The results have not been good.)


I'm glad you are not offended by my remarks. It may seem like I'm taking a shot at developers or Mozilla. As a user who hates bloated web browsers and Java, maybe I am. But from an objective viewpoint, I'm not. I'm just saying journalists and developers have as yet not been able to find common ground, even though they both know they need each other. Something is amiss.

Meanwhile solid journalism is deteriorating.

As for me, I am taking action, but at a lower level. The stuff I'm working on is much bigger than page views, pay per click, or even news. I'm interested in software that can alter paradigms. I want to see the original version of the internet. No middlemen.

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