Hmm. You received quite a different insinuation than I did. I don't think there was any suggestion that one needs a technical degree to understand HN headlines. Judging by the other comics on the site, I don't think the author has any difficulty understanding HN headlines.
Instead, I believe the artist was attempting to communicate that a great number of the stories that are posted to HN embody a litany of subjective, semi-defensible, jargon-filled articles that don't quite meet the bar of objective, defensible information and/or positions expected by (and drilled into) those who have a liberal arts degree.
Perhaps I'm reading a bit too much into the comic and granting it insinuation that's not there (granted, my degree & grad work was in history and philosophy, so I could be off on the author's intention and reading in my own subjective interpretation), but it struck me as the author saying the typical HN post is far less technical and objective than one might expect it to be, and far more subjectively opinionated on various topics. With a dash of overreactive emotional polemics in response to change.
Instead, I believe the artist was attempting to communicate that a great number of the stories that are posted to HN embody a litany of subjective, semi-defensible, jargon-filled articles that don't quite meet the bar of objective, defensible information and/or positions expected by (and drilled into) those who have a liberal arts degree.
Perhaps I'm reading a bit too much into the comic and granting it insinuation that's not there (granted, my degree & grad work was in history and philosophy, so I could be off on the author's intention and reading in my own subjective interpretation), but it struck me as the author saying the typical HN post is far less technical and objective than one might expect it to be, and far more subjectively opinionated on various topics. With a dash of overreactive emotional polemics in response to change.