I've been noticing that just about everyone on HN uses some form of e-mail concealment (e.g. [myusername]@gmail.com), and I'm wondering why.
The fear of spam crawlers seems very 1997, especially if you're using a modern e-mail provider. I've had my e-mail address public and mailtod on multiple high-visibility sites for about 5 years now, and I can't remember the last spam e-mail I've gotten. Is this practice just a vestige of Internet-past, or is there some other reason I'm missing?
2. My pet theory is that the people making money out of spam are not the spammers, it is the people selling lists of email addresses. Hey, I just cut their total of email addresses by a vanishingly small fraction.
3. I lived through 1997. It wasn't pretty. Old habits die hard.
4. I consider my obfuscation to be the signature of a hacker. :-P
P.S. Your email is not visible in your information (the email entry in your account registration is not publicly visible, you have to put it in your "about" box to make it visible).