zm didn't say it was difficult to quantify. He said there was a "decent chance" of being sued. The implication is that he has quantified it and that quantity amounts to a "decent chance."
"decent chance" implies you have quantified the probability and concluded it is somewhere between unlikely and likely. It needn't be precise, but it implies a quantity. There is a 0.001% chance of my dying in a car accident this year. If someone said "you shouldn't move to the suburbs because there is a decent chance you'll die commuting" you'd probably shrug that off as hyperbole. There is a 1-3% chance of pregnancy each year despite use of birth control. Would you say "there is a decent chance of knocking up your girlfriend even with condom use?" Possibly, but I think most people consider that probability "remote" rather than "decent." There is a 10% chance of being audited as a small business. Is that "decent"? I think most people would say "keep your books carefully, there is a decent chance of yor being audited."