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Stanford CS240h, Functional Systems in Haskell (github.com/bos)
81 points by rohshall on Sept 28, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 40 comments

When I was at student at Imperial College, London, programming 1 was all taught in Haskell http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/teaching/coursedetails/120.1

It seemed like a silly idea then, but in hindsight was a genius move. It normalised the class (prior knowledge in a real didn't matter), and taught programming from first principles. Picking up new languages after this was significancy easier.

You are lucky. For first 8 years of my software career, I did not know anything other than C-based languages (except Lisp). Haskell made me realize what 'real' computer science is.

UCL does something similar. C is the first half of the first term, Haskell is the second half.

How do you teach Haskell from first principles? Did you start with the lambda calculus and Core?

I am not a computer scientist by training. Can someone experienced in Haskell convince me why I should take time to learn it? I do tons of technical/statistical computing (python, Matlab, R) and some web-based projects (database driven mostly). Having math background I can see how FP is elegant and sexy, but what are real practical advantages over OOP or Matlab-style programming?

I've tried a few times to learn Haskell, but always tend to lose steam. Last time I got as far as monads before petering out. So I am definitely not a great person to try explaining the practical benefits of Haskell programming, because I've never written anything more complicated than a moderately difficult project euler solution.

However, despite never actually reaching escape velocity with the language, I don't feel like I've wasted any time at all. It's made me a much better programmer. The restrictions that the language places on you (e.g., the inability to change a value once you declare it) forces you to really grapple with functional principles.

As a result, I am so much better at reasoning recursively, and figuring out how to compose functions, that I hardly believe it. As a ruby programmer, I thought I understood recursion. I thought I understood higher order functions. And I did. But at such a basic level that I had no idea how basic my understanding was. Haskell totally opened my eyes.

So, imho, even if you never use haskell, even if you never even fully learn it, the attempt will almost certainly make you a better programmer. Unless, of course, you've been already messing around with one of the other nearly pure functional programming languages out there.

It took 3-4 years of learning Erlang and Scheme first before I could fully grok Haskell concepts. Monads aren't as bad as you think they are, read this if you haven't: http://ertes.de/articles/monads.html

Haskell's strengths: it's succinct, safe, feature-rich, and compiles to fast programs.

* Succinct: due to Haskell's strong focus on mathematical abstraction (I may be abusing that term here) it makes reasoning about programs easier on a general level - if you get the general case right then any potential problem that fits it will be solved by it. Succinctness also makes writing the code much faster (it's kind of like escape velocity with Emacs - takes a while to get a reasonable map down in your head, but once you do you're 5-10x more productive than you were before). * Safe: this one's obvious - Haskell's type system is brilliant in every way and paired with flymake for haskell can make writing robust code very straightforward. * Feature-rich: lots of libraries, native support for multi-processor/multi-core concurrency - I'm still waiting on something like OTP for Haskell though; Erlang takes the cake there simple because of OTP. * It's fast too; granted you have to be careful to not let non-strictness bite you in the ass, but that's generally very easy to profile and nail down if you can't.

I love Haskell, I use Erlang at my startup and I'm working on some big personal projects in Haskell.

> I'm still waiting on something like OTP for Haskell though; Erlang takes the cake there simple because of OTP

Have you looked at cloud haskell? e.g., http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Cloud_Haskell

It's still a work in progress, but it's aimed at some of the same distributed use cases as OTP (AFAIK--I know relatively little about OTP).

Okay here is an awesome description of monads: a function buddy!

Want to print out parts of a function? Want to log something? Don't add an argument to your function! Use a monad!

Basically if you have something orthogonal you want to do with a functions results, use a monad. You don't have to pass everything as an argument explicitly any more!

P.s. don't listen to this until a haskell demigod corrects me

And what if you want to do two things? Then you try to use monad transformers until you collapse in a heap.

completely agree. I've only written toy haskell programs, BUT it has heavily influences all my other code (js, c[++], java, ruby).

I've been doing the same kind of work as you for a few years now while being somewhat proficient in Haskell.

The answer is, to me, that there's absolutely no reason to use Haskell for that kind of work.

It's rather conceivable that someone could build a statistical/scientific system that's driven by Haskell that would be useful, but fundamentally systems like Matlab/R/Python are far more suited for the exploratory analysis kind of programming that I used to do. YMMV but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't.

That said, if I were implementing a statistical system I had designed and analyzed in Matlab/R/Python in a complex domain then I'd move to Haskell.

I think this issue would begin to evaporate if GHCi treated the IO monad differently. As it is GHCi is extremely valuable for exploring the structure of your own programs, but utterly terrible at exploring data. I find myself either constantly writing complex IO-unwrapping chains or deleting my state data when I build a new function and refresh the environment.

I'm building a complex system today that needs really well understood behavior, so I'm using Haskell. Whenever I want to see the data passing through it, though, I load up R.

Immutability means it's a lot easier to change your code safely. And the functional style encourages better separation of concerns, again making it easier to change something in one place. Strong typing is really good in a large codebase for making it harder for errors to propagate - if you make an error in a given function that changes the return type, you can immediately localise the problem to that function.

Writing the initial code is likely to be if anything slower in a functional language; the real advantage comes in maintenance.

(disclaimer: I don't actually know haskell, though I've used several functional languages and written functional-style code in several more)

"Writing the initial code is likely to be if anything slower in a functional language; the real advantage comes in maintenance."

Definitely disagree with this. As with anything, with practice, you get very fast at writing Haskell code. the expressive/strong type system and type inference means you'll catch errors early while writing code at a higher/denser level than even today's popular dynamic languages, resulting in a net increase in programming speed (for me).

As a python guy (still the densest language on the programming language shootout AFAIK), I find I can run a unit test before most languages would compile. More to the point, I don't make type errors when writing the first version of a piece of code; it's when changing it that the type system becomes invaluable. Of course, this is different for different people.

Completely agree about the changing code part. I program in Ruby and I often wonder what I have broken whenever I change some code. (I know I am supposed to write a lot of tests, but it becomes a big chore to write tests for all the test conditions.)

By the way, I would not call Python one of the densest language by any means. It is one of the nice and straightforward languages to learn which is expressive as well.

What do you mean by "densest"?

Please give us a URL to the benchmarks game web page that you think shows Python is the densest language.

>>I don't make type errors when writing the first version of a piece of code<<

Maybe you just don't test the first version well enough :-)

I was going by http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u64q/which-language-is-bes... . (the most naive/obvious approach - all benchmarks have weight 1, code size has weight 1, other factors have weight 0). I know it measures gzipped code size; I think that's a reasonable measure for "density".

Looks like I'm out of date, ruby 1.9 has overtaken python. Guess it's time to learn ruby.

Caveat lector -- http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/help.php#comparecodeused

"This paper [pdf The Effect of Language Choice on Revision Control Systems] compares one scripting language, Python, with C in the domain of revision control systems, as large working implementations exist for both languages. It finds no clear evidence that scripting languages produce smaller systems…"


That chart doesn't show what you think it shows.

> Remember - these measurements are just of the fastest programs for each of these programming language implementations

If you add in speed, even at a size:speed weight of 5:1, Python's advantage disappears.

So, the fastest python code is smaller and slower than the fastest haskell code, ignoring any slower code that may be denser.

Also, "gzipped code size" is a horrible measure of density: what everyone hates about Java is how redundant programs are (access modifiers, type declarations), which gzip would compress nicely, but doesn't help programmers (except where Eclipse auto-completes, I guess).

>> a horrible measure of density <<

Now we know you find it unpleasant, please name your preferred measure and explain why you think it would be better for comparing programs written in very different languages, with widely different source code styles and conventions.

Incidentally, do you think much Java or C# gets written with Notepad? :-)

I generally agree that I rarely make type errors when first writing code in Java or C#. I must say though, it really isn't the same with Haskell because of how much more expressive the type system actually is. Of course with practice one improves there too.

That question has been answered 100s of times in various other HN threads, Reddit's haskell subtopic, stackoverflow, blogs, etc. There are many really good reasons - I would encourage you to make some simple use of Google to find out.

Most arguments I've come across seem to be of the type "FP will make you a smarter programmer and better person, just try it and you'll see. Lot's of programmers are too dumb to get it though, so don't feel bad if you're one of them". I was hoping that someone here could provide some more concrete explanations of when Haskell & company should be used over imperative/OO designs. For example, the most watched Haskell repo on Github seems to be pandoc, an engine for converting text from one markup to another. What is it about functional programming that makes it better suited for this particular task then, say, Perl? Or is pandoc written in haskell for purely historical reasons? Maybe there is a better example.

Pure functional programming typically shifts thinking overhead from your brain as the programmer to the compiler (and the very design of the language). After using Haskell intensively for the past ~4 years, if I go back and write software in Python/Ruby/etc., I realize:

- How annoying it is to have to keep state (of objects, data structures, etc.) in mind for pipelines of computations

- How bad mutability in data structures is and how wonderful it is that in Haskell you NEVER have to worry about any of the data structures changing under your feet

- How nice it is that you can refactor massive codebases fearlessly, thanks to purity and the expressive type system

- How cool QuickCheck and unit testing is in Haskell vs. the mainstream OO languages

- That even Ruby feels lower level and more verbose after Haskell due to a lack of higher-order/first-class functions, among other things

- that if I'm using a dynamically typed language, it sucks that I'll likely get 1 - 10% of the performance I would get if I were using Haskell with no real special tricks

... the list goes on.

Pandoc is a compiler from N input grammars to M output grammars. Compilers are easy to write in typed, functional languages because they have algebraic data types and pattern matching.

Is it just me or does anyone else always feels overwhelmed reading the project suggestions? I find the projects listed to be extremely challenging. Project suggestions - http://www.scs.stanford.edu/11au-cs240h/labs/project.html

I was amused at these suggestions:

> You could implement a 'bot that executes untrusted code along the lines of Lambdabot. Lambdabot was written before Haskell was typesafe, and as a result is fairly hairy code and very limited in functionality. Using type safety you ought to be able to achieve something much cleaner and simpler, and that provides far more functionality. > Implement some sort of end-user programmable web-site (like Wikipedia, but for code rather than for information). > Implement an online Haskell REPL environment such as Try Haskll. Using Safe Haskell and some of the recent support in GHC 7.3 for data declarations in GHCi you should be able to provide a far more powerful feature set then existing websites.

Try that, and you'll discover that much of the complexity in lambdabot/mueval/tryhaskell-mueval-fork is due to stuff that Safe Haskell won't help with! eg. good luck dealing with 'let x = x + 1 in x'

Some are easy, some are research level. They're all "open source"-style programming : i.e. add real features to real projects on a real time frame.

You could expect to apply to do these in the Summer of Code Haskell projects.

Challenging, yes, but not unrealistic for competent systems / language people.

Eh, yes. Please tell me that, guessing from the course's name, this isn't a 2nd year course in some degree?

To my dismay CS240h was not offered again this year, probably because David Mazieres is teaching CS140 (Operating Systems) instead.

I went through the notes. They are concise, but not too concise. A nice tutorial for people who already know the basics. http://www.scs.stanford.edu/11au-cs240h/notes/

At first I thought "Oh wow, video lectures a la Coursera, awesome", unfortunately these are just written materials.

I'm a little surprised at how little love FP gets at the Courseras, EDXs and Udacities of the world. The only thing that's going on at the moment is Martin Odersky's FP principles in Scala.

That is funny, every time I see a course with a bunch of video lectures and no notes and reading list I move on. My strong preference for on-line learning is a reading list, ideally spread between no more than 3 or 4 books, a syllabus, and list of exercises.

If there are videos I listen to them while I am doing the homework associated with the video, but usually I get the homework done before the video finishes.

Disclaimer: I can probably get away with this because I already have a PhD and so I have a lot of practice in learning things

It's really cool how you're able to complete homework while you're watching video. Can you get into more detail about how you're able to do this?

My roadblocks to doing this would be that I wouldn't be able to pay attention to what's going on while thinking about a homework problem, that some things need to turn over in my head before I understand it at the level needed to apply it, and that solutions often take a long time to type up, especially proofs and programming assignments.

When I was an undergrad and graduate student I got into the habit of always doing the readings pencil in hand, which involves filling in the details of the important proofs, and doing some simple problems of my own devising before going to the lecture. I still do that before I work the exercises for an online course.

Of course whether I finish the exercises before the lecture completes really depends on the course. If it is implementing a simple algorithm and devising some test cases for it then it is often the case. If it is implementing an ML algorithm over a large data set, of course not.

Also I have been working in open offices for a long time, so I have learned to focus when there is a lot of background noise. I usually do not start paying attention to the lectures unless it sounds like there is a good joke, or I am getting stuck doing the exercises.

I also do not actually watch the lectures, I only listen to them unless I get stuck in the exercises.

I am opposite, I almost never watch video materials or movies, or listen to podcasts.

I prefer learning from books. :-)

Books are nice! I used to feel the same way, in fact. But podcasts, et al, are nice for periods where you're mobile (commuting, walking the dog).

I was surprised to find how many more talks and whatnot I could get through just by loading them up on my phone and flipping them on when doing something else which required little attention. YMMV. :)


I've tried that sort of thing, but something in my head just works so much better for me when reading or talking to people... podcast and video just basically make my mind wander, even if it's the coolest thing ever.

http://dterei.blogspot.sg/2011/10/stanford-haskell-course.ht... He hints that it may become available online.

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