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>For road navigation you might precompute the shortest path between every pair of interstate highway exits in the USA like this paper is doing.

Oh, so they are populating a lookup table, not for the entire nodeset but just the tuples denoting interstate highways. All I was advocating was a much larger ( and more expensive) lookup table :) btw, you've edited your response like 6 times now...everytime I try to reply there's new info in there!

> btw, you've edited your response like 6 times now...everytime I try to reply there's new info in there!

Sorry! The lack of preview for HN comments is hell for my iterative writing style.

Increase the "delay" in your settings to get a delay until the comment is visible to others.

A lot of us write in an offline text editor and paste the results when we are more-or-less finished (the finish line is an asymptote for people like us!).

Dijkstra is cursing us from beyond the grave.

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