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Recommended book(s)?

You can read Bush's original paper, As We May Think (where he presents the Memex) here: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1945/07/as-we-ma...

Here is a database of his papers: http://findingaids.loc.gov/db/search/xq/searchMfer02.xq?_id=...

bush is mentioned in mirowski's "machine dreams", and it's not very complementary. that book is one of my favourites, but it's a post-modern, opinionated, soft-science (he's a history / philosophy / economics guy) take on post-war economics (and a whole pile of surrounding subjects). i suspect most people will hate the book as much as i love it, but you might be interested (perhaps you can find a library copy to check out....)

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