Nit picking: I know the copy isn't written for security geeks, but boasting of "MIT engineers" (mechanical engineers?) and "heavy security experience" doesn't ring of a strong correlation to me.
Could you expand on the bios in your "About Tinfoil" page? I don't know if an executive looking at that page would be convinced you're all security experts (and I know this isn't "cool" but slightly more professional profile pictures might help)
Other than those points and the name ('tinfoil' doesn't inspire tons of confidence in me, but whatever, it's a name) I like the idea and presentation. Good luck!
(more notes... i signed up for the free account, added my website, it brought me to a page that did nothing. i tried to sign in and it said i needed to confirm my account. okay, a notice would have been nice... i confirm the account and log in, and my website i added initially is not there? ok, i add it... now it's asking for my software stack? that seems slightly unnecessary, but okay, i try to remember what i'm using. now i'm done setting up and verifying and finally scanning.... the picture slideshow is cute, but unnecessary. the manual scan i started is still sitting there... not sure what's going on but it doesn't look like it's doing anything... my e-mail now says a report is ready, though the page never changed. i go check it out. looks nice, fairly easy to browse around. i click on 'All Stats' and a column in the lower middle of the page has vertical text. i don't know about you, but my head doesn't like to tilt 90 degrees to read text... i look at the 'Modules Run' section and i don't see SSL modules, though i added an https:// url. considering the recently popularized SSL exploits i would probably add a module for this. for security geeks like me, having a Knowledge Base of documentation of what your scans look for would be nice for reference)
I think having the home page marketed towards is a good plan because most small to medium businesses probably don't have security experts. In addition, having a not to hidden "Nitty Gritty Details" page for the security experts would be a great compromise.
Could you expand on the bios in your "About Tinfoil" page? I don't know if an executive looking at that page would be convinced you're all security experts (and I know this isn't "cool" but slightly more professional profile pictures might help)
Other than those points and the name ('tinfoil' doesn't inspire tons of confidence in me, but whatever, it's a name) I like the idea and presentation. Good luck!