My startup has built our entire system around Python and I have found it a lovely language to code in but a challenging language to deploy in practice, mainly for these reasons:
1) Python 3's backward incompatibility has made a mess of library support and has trapped us on Python 2.7.
2) memory usage is a problem on mobile for nontrivial Python programs; iOS isn't even a formally supported target.
3) Pythonic programs can't use multiple cores.
Now before you jump down my throat and tell me how bad a programmer I must be, etc, etc, let me provide some anticipatory clarifying comments:
1) Most libraries do now work in Python 3.3; we are waiting on gevent, pyasn1, and tlslite, and, of course, all our own stuff.
2) There's at least one fork of Python 3 on bitbucket with a bunch of promising memory-reducing changes (can't find it now).
3) Yes, I know about (multi)processing and that real threads are hard to work with.
Literally every few weeks we are confronted with a new problem caused by one of the above. The latest one: there is no WinRT port of Python yet, and the one Martin Loewis is working on is for Python 3.3. (Of course: Python 2.7 is barred from noncritical patches.) So we need to either make 2.7 work on WinRT or not ship a WinRT version. Windows 8 launches Oct 26; Python is frankly just not ready, and no one but Martin L and a few others seem to care (or even notice). (And yes, I know Win32 stuff still runs under Windows 8... but not on the ARM devices, and not in the UI-formerly-known-as-Metro.)
I wouldn't say I regret having chosen Python as the basis of a 250k-line system, because in retrospect it was still the best of the dynamic language choices. But I definitely feel like Python qua programming language has become a missed opportunity in many ways.
Nowadays if someone were to ask me what they should write a nontrivial new system in, I would probably recommend coding everything in JavaScript or C++11. This makes me sad, because Python's syntax and sensibility are unparalleled; I have never been as productive a coder as I have been coding in Python these last few years. And I've been coding in C dialects since, seriously, 1979 (on a Heathkit H89 with 64K of RAM!)
I would just like to make people aware that there is one mobile platform that does ship with Python support: BlackBerry 10 and the BlackBerry PlayBook.
It ships with Python 3.2 on device, and it can be used to develop actual apps with. Games are possible too, I know someone working on one right now.
You should check out our project's site at I'm one of the lead contributors, and the project is still very much in its infancy.
I'm actually in San Jose right now for the BlackBerry Jam Americas conference if you'd like to meet up and discuss more.
Why do you even try to ship on Python 3? Python 2.7 is far from old. You don't have to use the latest of everything.
I've been using Python for almost 10 years, and mostly I've pretended that Python 3 doesn't exist so far :) That simplifies life in many ways.
I had no idea that people even ran Python on iOS, but if so it's cool that it even works!
It's not true that Pythonic programs can't use multiple cores. In many programs a lot of time is spent in C extensions (i.e. half the stdlib), where the GIL is released, so you can run in parallel fine in that case. Not to say you won't be bottlenecked, but don't write it off so quickly.
> Windows 8 launches Oct 26; Python is frankly just not ready, and no one but Martin L and a few others seem to care (or even notice).
Part of the problem is that you could count on one hand the number of contributors who have worked on non-trivial Windows issues in CPython in the last 12 months (probably even 24). I think we're pretty aware of this, but there are still only 24 hours in a day.
In fact, my new SSD should be arriving today to complete the build of my new machine, and Martin's work on WinRT probably jumps ahead on my todo list.
I don't think the main issue from OP is that WinRT support is not ready yet: windows 8 is not even out yet. The fact that he will have to migrate to python 3 to get there seems to be the main issue.
This lack of contributors would not have been as a serious problem without the insistence to break backwards compatibility and fork efforts for five (and counting) years: it sounds like the work got done, it is just for the "wrong version" (the one few people can use) of Python.
I realize this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I think that for the long term sake of the language, the 3.x schism was bad, and will ultimately be regarded as a big mistake.
In the time the community has spent dealing with/bickering about the transition, other languages have continued to forge ahead, while python just hasn't kept pace.
It hurts me to say that - I like python a lot, but lately it just doesn't seem to have it's mojo.
You should avoid making technical decisions based on emotional impulses.
Technically Python 3 is superior, IMO, to Python 2.7 and barring any setbacks such as unported libraries (which are becoming increasingly scarce) I wouldn't start a new project in Python 2.7.
The reason libraries have been taking so long is because so many people are resistant to change that they hadn't begun making any serious efforts to port to Python 3 until 2011 by my estimation.
Python 2 is so ass-backwards and broken that I find it painful to use on large code bases. It conflates strings and byte streams, has pathetic Unicode support, and its libraries are rife with bit-rotting code. For the batteries to continue being useful they need to be updated once in a while. Have you seen urllib? It's atrocious by today's standards! Python needed an update and I think that the core team made the right choices.
The challenge has been porting and the core team knew that. They made some poor decisions in hind-sight such as 2to3 and dropping u"", but otherwise the porting story is not as painful as it seems. Cherrypy did it ages ago and Django is finally getting around to it. SQLAlchemy supports Python 3. There are fewer reasons not to switch than ever before and yet articles like this still come up to this day.
Python is only going to fall by the way-side if the developers of the language decide to stop using it. The language hasn't gotten worse by any stretch of the imagination. It needs more contributors to make it better. If you like it so much, port your libraries, contribute to python core, and stop complaining! It's been like five years people!
Sorry in advance that this is so negative, but it reflects my honest feelings, as well as some experience.
The big problem with Python was always predicting what any given piece of code would actually do. Considering the lack of static typing, pervasive use of exceptions for non-exceptional cases, and subtle behavior changes in the core language from version to version, you basically never knew what you were going to get. On the plus side, all the Python libraries I ever used were open source and the code was easy to access. On the minus side, I needed to access that code on a daily or even hourly basis. Getting something working on my own machine wasn't too hard. Getting something working on anyone else's computer was a challenge.
It seems that most Python developers now use virtualenv. This is a handy little tool that creates a small runtime environment for your Python program. Basically, it allows you to explicitly set the version of every library that you use.
I always viewed virtualenv as a sign of Python's failure. Having stable APIs is damn near impossible in Python, so let's just give up and use old versions for everything. Put the whole mess in an airtight chamber, and hope you never need to do anything with it in the future. With an attitude like this, it's no surprise that the adoption of Python 3 has been pushed off into the indefinite future.
Issues like the global interpreter lock (GIL) and lack of real GC for data structures with cycles just reinforce the impression of a better /bin/sh, not a serious language. Sadly, in some ways, Bourne shell is still the better language, because it got backwards compatibility right, has a bigger install base, and better startup time. It's also significantly less verbose for simple tasks. And really, if your task isn't simple-- you shouldn't be using a language that doesn't even properly support threads.
tl;dr: Overall, I think my interest in Python has come to an end. It's over, sorry.
But what other way there was? It's all about Unicode - it HAS to be resolved at some point, and if what I read is correct than there was no way to make this transition smooth(er). I'm not familiar witr Ruby at all, but I heard there was similar breakage between major versions lately?
The changes were gratuitous, and there were numerous ways of making it happen more smoothly; for an example of a community that handled it much better, just take a look at Ruby 1.9: they have great uptake.
To take a really trivial example: the name "str" should not have been reused to mean "unicode", it either should have continued to mean "bytes" or it should have been dropped altogether.
Certainly, under no circumstance, should the name "unicode" have been removed, but it was; they also should not have removed the u'' syntax. Their goal wasn't just "fix things" it was "break old things".
The result is that it is nearly impossible to write code that runs on both Python 2.x and Python 3.x even when the semantics of the code have absolutely nothing to do with the things people really wanted to change.
Another great example of this is the exception syntax: they changed the way you catch exceptions to replace the "," with "as"; less confusing, sure, but again it means that you can't write code that works on both.
The answer to this was then a tool "2to3" which smoothed over some of the more obvious problems, but whose entire mission statement was flawed: to keep all code in Python 2, supporting Python 3 as a second-class citizen.
A lot of these changes, certainly the syntax ones, could easily have been made per-file: make new scripts .py3 or have a special header, or force old scripts to have a special command line argument or special load path.
At least then, you could mix and match new and old code without simply being stuck in the limbo that is Python 2.7... a limbo that didn't even help the cause, as you can't even write fully 2.7/3.x compatible code.
The result is that we still have tons of libraries that don't work. When they do, they often have less testing. When they are well tested, they often "took the opportunity" (just like Python itself, which set the bad expectation) to have different semantics, so you have to port your code anyway.
You are right about the u"" syntax. Thankfully, Python 3.3 supports it again.
The "except .. as" clause was backported to Python 2.6, which was released almost 4 years ago. If you don't need to support Python 2.5 then you can migrate to right now. Python 2.6 added "from __future__ import print_function", and so on.
The goal was and is to make Python 2.7 a migration to a 3.x. People have and do write code which is usable, and unchanged, in both major version, which seems to contradict your statement that doing so isn't possible. And people continue to work to make that easier, while also advancing Python as a language.
Your proposal, to be able to "mix and match new and old code", does not work. At least, not without a lot more development effort behind it. The object models are different enough to make it not work. Remember, Python 2 has both old-style and new-style classes, while Python 3 does not. There's Python 2 code which probably still depends on Python 2 old-style classes, and will break. Which means you're left only being able to support the subset that the Python core developers, and those who wish to become core developers want to support. Which is what we have now.
> Remember, Python 2 has both old-style and new-style classes, while Python 3 does not.
This logic is circular: you are directly claiming that Python 3 could not mix and match support with Python 2 because Python 3 does not support mixing and matching features with those from Python 2. Yes: I realize that, and that is precisely what I am taking issue with.
The reality is that supporting many of these features is actually quite simple. Please realize before disagreeing: I develop compilers, and I have developed virtual machines. I know what kind of effort it takes to have parameterized grammars and internal transformations.
What really seems to happen with Python is that people get it in their heads "developers should not be using this old feature", and then it gets actively removed in order to clear the mental space for the features that should be used: a "there's only one way to do it" mentality.
However, there is code out there that is using that feature, and that code might not have a maintainer anymore; that code works, has been battle-hardened, and the only thing keeping anyone from using it is now some arbitrary syntax change that was pushed through.
For an example of a community that gets this: C. No one develops in K&R C anymore. However, there is still tons of code out there, even code inside of some core projects you use every day, that was written in K&R C and never needed to get serious modifications made.
That code still works, and still compiles with modern C compilers. While the syntax is quite different, it really does not take much time to make certain your compiler supports it, and you suddenly have access to all of this totally working code: this should be considered a "win".
Yet, something in the Python community seems to latch on to the idea that that situation is actually a "lose": that having support for old features is only something that should be done in Python 3.3 (which isn't even out yet) as a concession to some reality as opposed to out-of-the-gate in 3.0.
Can you help explain this one to me? Why is it possible for Python 2.7 to have all of these really cool "from __future__ import" features, but impossible for Python 3 to have just a couple "from __past__ import" features? The only answer I currently have is "stubborness".
(Also, on the exception-handling semantics, it is only this year that a lot of key projects, from Jython to App Engine, have supported anything but Python 2.5; I accept that it is nice that 2.6 supported it, but a lot of real-world/serious Python was stuck in 2.5, so if you want your library to be widely used you couldn't use that syntax. The sea-change on this seemed to happen this year, so this should increasingly not be an issue, but it is way way too late and could have been remedied by supporting that syntax with a switch.)
(The same kind of failure, for the record, is demonstrated in the decision to finally fix a few of these issues--the u'' syntax not being the only one--in Python 3.3. Python 3.3 is not even out yet; when it is, it will not be deployed in many places, even places where Python 3.2 already is, such as the numerous Ubuntu servers that are already deployed. If Python wants to be serious about helping developers and making Python 3 actually happen, they should backport that change to Python 3.2 so it can be pushed through major distributions; otherwise, it just delays the benefits by yet another year, if not longer.)
Oops! I thought 3.3 was already out. I see it's only a release candidate.
Get this into your head - Python has a different development model than C. There is no standards body, or requirements for backwards compatibility. Anyone who gets into Python thinking that there will be full backwards compatibility is fooling themselves.
Those who want backwards compatibility can do so on one of several ways: 1) keep using the old code and don't upgrade, 2) contribute time, effort, and funding to the core developer team in order to implement backwards compatibility, 3) fork and maintain your own version of the source, 4) make your own run-time hooks to convert old-style Python code to the new-style runtime, or 5) create a new version of Python which does have that backwards compatibility.
I know that REXX and a few other languages have made a point of backwards compatibility even as semantics change. They have different goals, and a different funding model than Python. If enough people disagree, then those people can take the existing Python code base and run with it. But that's not happening. (I think there are some unofficial patches with VC2010 support, mostly used for internal company builds.)
There's, what, a few score people working part time in Python code development? Even Guido works on it only half time. How do you expect that small of a team to pull off a clean 3.0 release without making mistakes? The 3.0 release had a new io system, which was a lot slower than 2.x. There were a lot of bugs, like unicode filenames, which had to be figured out, where previously it was the responsibility of each developer to figure out the Unicode issues.
"Can you help explain this one to me? Why is it ... impossible for Python 3 to have just a couple "from __past__ import" features?"
That's an easy one. Lack of resources. The Python code developers did not want to maintain both old-style and new-style class implementations. They used Python 3 as a way to get rid of old-style. As a consequence too, it means that I can stop putting in the silly 'object' in "class Spam(object):", which was the Python 2 way of indicating that I wanted a new-style class. If 5 people said that they were willing to support old-style classes, and showed that they were committed to doing so for many years, then there may have been a different decision.
You can see that even in the PEP 3000, written during the 2.6 days: "But I expect there to be at least one or two new 2.x releases even after 3.0 (final) has been released, probably well into 3.1 or 3.2. This will to some extent depend on community demand for continued 2.x support, acceptance and stability of 3.0, and volunteerstamina." (Emphasis mine.)
So many other things had deeper semantic changes, like dict.keys returning a view rather than a list, that a simple syntax change is trivial. I don't think a "from __past__ import comma_exceptions" would have had much benefit. I can be wrong, but that's exactly the thing that the 2to3 converter could handle, and there are patches to make distutils convert 2.x code automatically and import hooks to do that transformation at run-time. One such is . It isn't a catch-all solution, but that approach could help some people.
BTW, as far as I can tell, clang does not support K&R C.
"Get this through your head": the question here is about whether Python still has a chance of being successful, not whether they are bad people for what they did. My argument is firmly on the "no": Python is in decline after years of stagnation caused by a fork in their effort and I believe that they could have done some things differently at little effort to have had better chances.
Personally, I don't even have skin in the game anymore: I am now using Clojure, and am piecemeal porting my code over. This is actually an easier time than the brutal experience I had dealing with Python's / operator change (which I adopted ahead of schedule, thinking it would help me: all it did was hurt me as my code no longer could be used on 2.5).
I thereby wonder: what are you defending? Do you think Python is succeeding? That in another couple months we are going to suddenly hear of a massive turnaround? That it will still be relevant in another two years when 3.3 is fully deployed everywhere and most libraries might be Python 3 compatible? What is your overall position?
You asked me a specific question. I said that the reason is the lack of resources. I didn't realize that we were talking about the decline and fall of the Python world.
I remember reading "Decline and Fall of the American Programmer." And "Rise and Resurrection of the American Programmer." It's a special kind of consultant who can get paid both coming and going.
Python is in decline? How do you reckon that? In my work, Python is the de factor high-level language for chemical informatics, molecular modeling, structure visualization, and the like. This is much improved over the last 10 years, and won't be dying in as short a time-span as two years in the future. No, most projects haven't migrated to Python 3. Yes, it will be annoying. So was porting client code from IRIX to Linux. That happens.
Really, you need to plan for it. And it sounds like you didn't plan for the division operator change. The ideas of that change first surfaced during user testing under the 1.x days, with Alice. That change decision was publicized in spring 2001, with PEP 238. The "from __future__ import division" was made available in Python 2.2. The runtime even has the -Q option so you can tell it to print warnings wherever there's a problem. The nice thing about this change is that it's purely a syntax issue which can be handled on a per-module basis, and mixed with modules which weren't compiled this way.
These all worked for 2.5, so what was the problem you experienced?
What I'm "defending" is my sense that Something is Wrong on the Internet. It sounds like you're doing things the wrong way. You expect certain behaviors which were never promised or implied, you don't read the update notices, and you don't use the tools which help you achieve the goals you want. No wonder you get so frustrated with Python! But I don't see what the Python developers could have done better, given the resources they had, and given that they care about goals that do not interest you.
You're going to run into the same problems with Clojure. Looking now, it seems that 1.3 broke code. Some things were removed, there were changes to the contrib namespace, and some third-party modules didn't work. Various places say it was a hassle to deal with. Sound familiar? How are you sure something like that will never happen again?
> I didn't realize that we were talking about the decline and fall of the Python world.
The article is called "I Am Worried About The Future Of Python" and the specific thread I chose to participate in directly described a way that the Python 3 schism was contributing to the concern (WinRT support). To quote the lead comment for this thread: "I definitely feel like Python qua programming language has become a missed opportunity in many ways".
I then provided my experience, as someone who has been developing for over 20 years in numerous languages (even designing them and teaching them in a university setting), of a unique set of challenges and mistakes that I see Python having run across--a perspective that one reader called "a brilliant if unpopular analysis"--and yet I'm now simply being dragged into the same defensive argument that comes up whenever the 2/3 topic is breached: to turn it into a very personal attack against me and my abilities led by highly inflammatory and insulting wording like "get this into your head", quite despite the fact that I am hardly in the minority with regards to these overall opinions.
Regardless, I am hereby so confused as to what conversation you feel you are participating in that I am just going to bow out: thank you, regardless, for taking the time to respond.
(Oh, I will respond to the semi-unrelated Clojure discussion, as I should probably make certain I don't inadvertently cause them problems: I do not use third-party libraries written in Clojure, as there is really no need given that all of Java is accessible; this already stops most of these problems. Also, the way Clojure 1.3 broke code is closer to the way Ruby 1.9 broke code--a change I stated elsewhere in this thread was a non-issue for the Ruby projects I'm involved in--than the way Python 3 broke code, and was in fact even less of an issue than that.)
I deliberately used the inflammatory phrase "in your head" because you used the phrase "What really seems to happen with Python is that people get it in their heads "developers should not be using this old feature"". The 'people' you are talking about there are the Python core developers. Those are specific people, not abstract entities. I figured that since you used that phrase with them, then I would reverse it, when saying that that wasn't the point.
I've been using Python now for 15+ years. I've read articles about bemoaning the lost opportunities of Python for almost as long. It needs static types otherwise all is lost. It needs tail recursion otherwise all it lost. It needs macros, it needs to get rid of explicit "self", it needs blocks, ... and so on. People thought for a while that Python development was proceeding too fast. There was the language moratorium so others could catch up. Now you say it's going too slow.
If you want to give me specific details about how Python is losing in popularity, please do. You haven't. Nothing I've seen tells me that there's anything more than the usual churn of people moving in between languages, of hipsters talking about the language de jour, of industry people insisting on certain trends. But what you've written describing your experiences with Python's 2-3 transition does not mesh with my own experiences and readings of the experiences of others. How did the change in division cause problems? Why weren't the existing mitigation mechanisms good enough for you?
I truly am going to stick to my word and ignore the rest of your commentary about Python: there is a long thread with a lot of context started by an article that is at least attempting to disagree with your premise; the things you are asking me to explain are thereby all "assumed state" for this tiny sub-part of the conversation, so you can take up your issues with someone up-thread who might feel less insulted by the overall direction of the argument you are making.
However, I will defend my wording, as I think that is unrelated: the phrase "once you get it into your head that" (even with that direct "you", rephrased from "people get the idea into their heads", about others) is a statement about the virility of the idea that someone now believes; in contrast, "get this into your head" is a direct command given to a person used to indicate that they are being dense and thereby are unable (or unwilling) to understand the idea in question.
To make this distinction more clear, you can look at something generally considered positive: "once saurik gets it into his head that something should be built, he builds it" or "people get the idea in their heads that things should be built, and then they actually build them" are both fine; "get this into your head: once you determine something should be built, you should actually build it" is both harsh and patronizing: it is an entirely different concept for the sentence, used as an attack.
As someone who started this sub-thread I have to say I read it with pleasure: it is informative and broad, I learned some from it, and I wanted to thank you, saurik, for your input and perspective, even though I don't fully agree. I have nothing to say ad rem, at least nothing that wasn't said already, but I wanted to comment on that unfortunate phrase. As I see it, there was no malicious, "harsh and patronizing" intent behind it; I agree that it was not particularly polite, but I feel it wasn't very brutal an attack either. So please, don't hold it against your adversary (or, God forbid, Python community) or at least please try to not be offended - I'm almost 100% sure it wasn't meant to be offensive in the first place.
To my mind this is a brilliant if unpopular analysis. I would really like to see the ability to import modules "from the past" but it seems extraordinarily difficult to implement that now that 2 and 3 have diverged so much. And one of our problems is exactly what you describe: a large, very-well-tested, 2.X library that we rely on is no longer maintained by anyone. So we'll have to port it ourselves, and surely introduce a bunch of stupid bugs. Grumble.
A saving grace is Python's historical emphasis on unit testing. That makes fore-porting things without horribly breaking them at least plausible. But still painful.
> Please realize before disagreeing: I develop compilers, and I have developed virtual machines. I know what kind of effort it takes to have parameterized grammars and internal transformations.
Please be sure that I totally respect your work. Still, while I agree some of your points are right, I believe you're taking a shortcut here:
> For an example of a community that gets this: C. No one develops in K&R C anymore. However, there is still tons of code out there, even code inside of some core projects you use every day, that was written in K&R C and never needed to get serious modifications made.
The syntax evolved, but behind this syntax K&R C behaves in the exact same way, all the way up to the latest C revision. You can't say the same for old vs new classes, which behave in a not so subtly different way, and you can't say that either for the new str/old str, and indeed you propose a different name, which is perfectly legitimate, as they are different things.
The problem is also a vision of scale. I'd say the designed impact of python 3 breaking changes is not for next year, or even the next two years, but for the next 10-15 years. I think the decision came from the realization that there were retrospectively bad or overlooked design choices, and that they needed to be fixed, and thus cut out, now. The most critical things dropped from python 3 are actually stuff carried over from python 1. Python's design and philosophy is around a form of minimalism. The Zen of Python says:
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
I'd say Python3 breaking changes fall in the first case, except the u'', which was a total fail and fell in the second case.
I'd say from anecdotal experience that every single python project I write today works on both 2.7 and 3.2. I sure wish python 3.2 received 2.6's from __future__ import unicode_literals, which would, along with 3.3, remove the biggest part of my headaches. The real problem, as stated, lies in the dependencies, and there's no denying that although you can compile K&R C today, such code was not written in a vacuum and certainly (recursively) relies on a bunch of libs that may or may not work today anymore (because of the code itself, the plaform, or the compiler evolving). It is also in plain sight today with Ruby, where a significant number of historical gems simply don't work anymore in 1.9.x (worse, some appear to work, and silently corrupt stuff, up to a point where it blows up. I'm looking at you mysql, which silently fails to transcode strings, the very situation Python introduced an "upfront error" breaking change).
The point I want to make is that the situation is simply not as clear cut as some want to make it. The short term cost is that we have a rocky transition and that we won't benefit from the new features right now, while the long term benefit will really be seen 10 years down the road. The question you seem to ask is: will Python still be relevant by then? To which none of us has an answer. If not, Python will have paid the price of its 9th zen statement: practicality beats purity.
Now I will return to the pending migration of three real world ruby 1.8 + rails 2.1 apps to ruby 1.9 + rails 3.2 (and hell was the migration of some other app from python 2.6 to 3.1 so much easier).
> The syntax evolved, but behind this syntax K&R C behaves in the exact same way, all the way up to the latest C revision. You can't say the same for old vs new classes, which behave in a not so subtly different way, and you can't say that either for the new str/old str, ...
A lot of code operates in a regime where it takes strings as input, attempts to find substrings in those strings based on either pure ASCII literals or other strings also given for input, cuts ranges and substrings out of that string, and then generates more strings as output.
This is in the same way that much of that code was designed so it could accept either an str or a unicode, and as far as I can tell that same code should either work quite fine now taking either a bytes or a str; to the extent to which this is not the case, it could easily be made to be the case.
> ... and indeed you propose a different name, which is perfectly legitimate, as they are different things.
FWIW, I didn't "propose" the new name: "bytes" is the new name: that is what the old str type is now called in Python 3, and in fact if you are using Python 2.7 (even Python 2.6) "bytes" and "str" are aliases for each other, as even the people who designed Python believe they are equivalent for the purposes of portable code. Sadly, without keeping around "unicode" (and preferably just deprecating "str" but leaving it as a warning-laden alias for "bytes") that was pointless.
The reason being that the only place you could actually have compatibility between these types was Python 2.6+... except, most "serious Python" has been stuck in Python 2.5 until possibly (I think I see a sea-change) this year. Yes: that is four years during which these transition mechanisms were largely pointless: neither Python 2.6 nor Python 2.7 were actually deployable targets for major and serious libraries.
Personally, I found this surprising: I have been using Python 2.7 since it came out, and I have never had a difficulty upgrading within Python 2.x. However, time and again when I come across a large company using Python and I ask them "what version?" they say "2.5". Meanwhile, both Jython and App Engine were likewise stuck at that level.
That means to "remain relevant" the primary deployment target for most systems needed to be Python 2.5. The idea of supporting Python 3 or even Python 2.6/7 was largely seen as a hopefully-fun diversion at best, and a needless chore at worst.
Thereby, I will argue that what was really needed was actually not Python 2.7: all of the effort put into Python 2.7 with its support for bridging the gap should have been made to Python 3 in reverse. You can't tell me that supporting some of these things as the same time, at least in ways that make the remaining porting discrepancy "realistic", is possible, as Python 2.7 does it: it is obviously possible, as we have an existence proof.
Now, you can totally (and dalke does) tell me they didn't have time to do that to Python 3, but my argument is that all of the effort exerted into Python 2.7 would have been better spent doing the same thing to Python 3, but with the defaults reversed: I believe that the effort would have comparable, and the result would have been to avoid the last four years of hell.
> The short term cost is that we have a rocky transition and that we won't benefit from the new features right now, while the long term benefit will really be seen 10 years down the road. The question you seem to ask is: will Python still be relevant by then?
This "rocky transition", for people who actually use Python to develop libraries or applications, is simply "stagnation".
One of the things I found so weirdly surprising when I finally decided to "bite the bullet and move back to Java-land" was the amazing number of high-quality maintained libraries for relatively new concepts (even ones so new they were "buzzwords"): it was like a kid suddenly being thrown into a candy store.
Whereas I had spent forever, on numerous occasions, trying to piece together semi-working mechanisms out of multiple competing and seemingly now all disowned or disinterested Python libraries (such as for PDF editing), I suddenly had my pick of numerous fully maintained libraries.
This is not the state of the Python ecosystem when I entered, and I argue that the reason this changed is because of the Python 3 split: the result is that the people still sticking with Python during this "rocky transition" are putting themselves at a "practical" disadvantage for the idea of a "pure" language.
> If not, Python will have paid the price of its 9th zen statement: practicality beats purity.
Right: it seems like that tenant was thrown out the window with respect to the changes made in Python 3.
> Now I will return to the pending migration of three real world ruby 1.8 + rails 2.1 apps to ruby 1.9 + rails 3.2 (and hell was the migration of some other app from python 2.6 to 3.1 so much easier).
Is this difficulty caused by Ruby, however, or by Rails? I had had an application that used Sinatra on 1.8, and it took me about an hour to get it fully compatible with Ruby 1.9 (which I did years ago, at the first opportunity).
(Note: my application was handling Unicode data correctly both before and after change: something that would have been noticed immediately as much of the package information I used was in random languages from Russian to Chinese, and I am quite a stickler for having things encoded correctly in my database; yes: I did have to thwack it some on Ruby 1.8 to get it to work correctly, but the result after thwacking I believe required no modifications on Ruby 1.9, a result that I might argue indicates that most people having porting problems are actually fixing bugs, not porting.)
I think it's a little unfair to point to Ruby as an example of a community getting it right. The motivation behind the 1.8-to-1.9 shift for a lot of people was the markedly better VM in 1.9 (which is roughly comparable to CPython, as it happens), and not necessarily the language features. Specifically the encoding situation in Ruby 1.9 is... interesting, and easy to find surprising edge cases in.
Also Ruby had a far smaller deployment and library base to convert. Get Rails and Sinatra ported and you're mostly there. There are as far as I know no significant commercial software that ships with ruby as its main scripting language. Ruby doesn't really have its equivalent of numpy and friends which has snaked its way into critical software in just about every field you care to mention. Ruby 1.8 -> 1.9 was more like Python 1.X-2.X
There is a difference between "right" and "much better" (the term I used). I was able to upgrade my code to use Ruby 1.9 trivially, and the result still worked fine on Ruby 1.8. The transition was downright painless for almost everyone involved. (Disclosure: I am the Jay Freeman mentioned in the thank you at the bottom of Yehuda's article on the Ruby 1.9 encoding changes and how they would and did affect Rails.)
Perl 6 and Perl 5 can at least be considered separate languages and separate ecosystems: Perl 5 is still under active development, not just for maintenance but for purposes of getting new language features.
It is somewhat confusing that these two languages differ by a number and not by name, but the intention is somewhat clear. In the case of Python, they seriously seem to believe that everyone is going to "upgrade".
The other thing about Perl 5 and Perl 6, is the backwards incompatibility gap is way large. And Perl 6 is designed such that Perl 16 shouldn't be necessary.
You can't really say the same thing about Python. If Python wants to remain in the game, I don't see how they can do it unless they are OK breaking backwards compatibility in another 6 years.
Python broke backwards compatibility for as simple a thing like a print statement. Nobody like to play stupid expensive migration games just because your language designer decided that print statement must be written a different way.
> Python broke backwards compatibility for as simple a thing like a print statement. Nobody like to play stupid expensive migration games just because your language designer decided that print statement must be written a different way.
That is a silly argument. They didn't break compatibility because they wanted to change the way print is. They changed the print because they already had decided to break compatibility. Ie "lets break compatibility to change print" vs "while we are breaking stuff, lets fix the print too"
In that case I'd say changing print would belong to the "trivial" end of the scale. Print function was backported to Python 2.6, so you can easily write code that is compatible with both. And modifying existing code is so trivial that even an automated tool (2to3) can do it reliably.
Yeah, I think the "no new features in 2.7.1+" has been making Python less exciting to use for the past few years, as libraries have slowly started to support Python 3. I think the future might feel less bleak once Python 3 becomes a better option in deployment.
As for the original article, I don't mind if Python's future isn't everywhere, but I find it sad that modern languages like Go and Rust don't copy more of Python's features (and my top contender for this is actually significant whitespace, because I find it greatly helps readability).
Hasn't that generally been the case? That is, Python 2.6.1 "is the first bugfix release of Python 2.6. Python 2.6 is now in bugfix-only mode; no new features are being added." So there's nothing new about 2.7.1 being only a bugfix release.
Hmm. I think I misread things. I thought the author was saying that 2.7.x is a problem because 2.7.x are bug fixes-only. I now see I could have read that as there will be no features added, starting with 2.7.
1) Python 3's backward incompatibility has made a mess of library support and has trapped us on Python 2.7.
2) memory usage is a problem on mobile for nontrivial Python programs; iOS isn't even a formally supported target.
3) Pythonic programs can't use multiple cores.
Now before you jump down my throat and tell me how bad a programmer I must be, etc, etc, let me provide some anticipatory clarifying comments:
1) Most libraries do now work in Python 3.3; we are waiting on gevent, pyasn1, and tlslite, and, of course, all our own stuff.
2) There's at least one fork of Python 3 on bitbucket with a bunch of promising memory-reducing changes (can't find it now).
3) Yes, I know about (multi)processing and that real threads are hard to work with.
Literally every few weeks we are confronted with a new problem caused by one of the above. The latest one: there is no WinRT port of Python yet, and the one Martin Loewis is working on is for Python 3.3. (Of course: Python 2.7 is barred from noncritical patches.) So we need to either make 2.7 work on WinRT or not ship a WinRT version. Windows 8 launches Oct 26; Python is frankly just not ready, and no one but Martin L and a few others seem to care (or even notice). (And yes, I know Win32 stuff still runs under Windows 8... but not on the ARM devices, and not in the UI-formerly-known-as-Metro.)
I wouldn't say I regret having chosen Python as the basis of a 250k-line system, because in retrospect it was still the best of the dynamic language choices. But I definitely feel like Python qua programming language has become a missed opportunity in many ways.
Nowadays if someone were to ask me what they should write a nontrivial new system in, I would probably recommend coding everything in JavaScript or C++11. This makes me sad, because Python's syntax and sensibility are unparalleled; I have never been as productive a coder as I have been coding in Python these last few years. And I've been coding in C dialects since, seriously, 1979 (on a Heathkit H89 with 64K of RAM!)