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I've been thinking a bit about this. I have a couple of blogs of my own, so I always think about feedjit in that context. Am I happy with my readers seeing what search terms are sending people to my site and do I think my readers will get mad because people can see what they're searching on?

feedjit only shows the most recent 10 referrers and clicks, so I don't think theres anything there that'll give a 'competitor' some sort of strategic advantage. Besides, tehy can just google around and find out what I'm showing up for in the SERPS.

As far as privacy goes, as long as I'm not personally identifying people and showing what search terms they're using, I think there aren't any privacy issues. I see my own search terms showing up and my location 'Seattle, WA' and no one knows who actually searched that term.

I haven't really applied my mind to this as much as I should, but those are my initial thoughts and I'd love to hear if anyone feels different.


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