Mobile is a clear choice for apps targeted at the consumer market.
However, there is still huge opportunities in the B2B and enterprise market. It depends on the problem you're solving, but in most cases the desktop is still the natural place to start if you're going after business users. Examples: Basecamp, Salesforce, Kissmetrics.
Seems like his market research is purely based upon himself. To expand the control group to 2, I have a smartphone but only use it secondarily when I dont have access to my laptop - to me poking around on a 4 inch screen is usually an inferior experience in many cases.
Smart phones and tablets are decent for consumption but their main limitation is screen real estate and efficient user input (which usually refers to typing). It really is a case by case basis (whats the product, who are your users, etc) and usually the answer is that you're going to want to be well represented across all typical client types.
This is dreadfully wrong. There's a bunch of activity in the healthcare space, which is currently heavily reliant on pen and paper. They will soon transition to PC's, many institutions already have, and the results will be dramatic. Mobile will play an important role, but most likely in conjunction with desktop based devices that people work from, because of the extent of typing that remains involved.
There's something called target customer segmentation. If building for consumers, do a website and/or mobile which are great for consumption (hence the name consumers). If building a "creation" app for businesses (ie. payroll mgmt, Photoshop, etc.) then do a desktop and/or website with perhaps a simplified companion mobile app.
Mobile is a clear choice for apps targeted at the consumer market.
However, there is still huge opportunities in the B2B and enterprise market. It depends on the problem you're solving, but in most cases the desktop is still the natural place to start if you're going after business users. Examples: Basecamp, Salesforce, Kissmetrics.