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I have written iOS apps (although never public published) and taken classes in iOS development. I am much more of a novice at Android development, but have written a complete (albeit simple, un-networked appliance) app. I've focused more on Android recently because that platform is evolving quickly.

So let's just pretent this isn't a shitty genetic fallacy post and address your challenge head on, "Back up your example and prove to me Android's APIs give more guidance than Android's in how to do ______." I specifically mentioned the Loader pattern.

Compare: Google's Loader pattern: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Loade...

A concrete and common example, doing an async task: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Async...

Compare this to the equivalent API for doing async task usage in iOS: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Perfor...

In iOS There is no concept of a "Loader", so the community has come up with stuff like AsyncUIImageView and friends (code here: https://github.com/nicklockwood/AsyncImageView) which still doesn't entirely solve the problem, because solving the problem takes a lot of framework support.

Sadly, fragmentation is at play again in this; and many Android developers don't use Loaders because they're intimidated or confused or can't use them for their entire panoply of supported devices; so there are a fair share of Android apps that do not use them. You can usually catch this if you change orientation and see things reload from scratch.

Given the rapidly increasing velocity of deployment of 4.0 devices, I think this issue with framework fragmentation is transient.

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