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Congrats. It seems like the main bottleneck of webapps is the on-disk database. I'd say that if your app is small enough you shouldn't even start with a database, but that would be a preoptimization.

Thanks. A while back I was playing with a ramdisk on linux and syncing the data to non-volatile storage. That worked quite well. I can't use that in this case because there are lots of tiny files and they occupy too much space for ramdisk. But looking at the output of vmstat, it looks like there isn't much disk io, so I think the linux filesystem cache is working quite well.

I'm curious how you reached so many Japanese bloggers. Were there some big Japanese blogs that covered you at launch?

We got covered by http://www.100shiki.com/ and then got installed by two very high traffic japanese bloggers and it went viral from there.


That's impressive. What's your hardware?

Not much. :) AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2100+ with 1 gig of RAM and a single SATA drive.

I'm about to upgrade though - mostly because I need more RAM to support more concurrent connections.

Is that just for Feedjit or is there other stuff on there too?

There are 5 other websites on the server. They're low traffic but some are PHP which means I've had to compile mod_php into the server so each thread takes up a lot more RAM.

I have a new server ordered which comes online today and that's just for feedjit, so I can compile a feedjit-only apache and it'll be able to handle many more connections.


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