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Indeed this as an interesting topic; however, I think that many missed the point of the essay altogether. He wasn't saying that Java is a horrible language just that it's not viewed favorably by "hackers". I think that he is probably right but I didn't know he spoke for hackers everywhere. Java is just another tool in the box that almost everyone has to use at some point. Is it ideal? No. Is it perfect? Nope. Is it fun to write software with? Sometimes. I spend most of my days writing Python code with either Django or Pyramid and also have problems with it from time to time. Though I consider Python my "favorite" language it's far from perfect! All languages/platforms have their problems and tradeoffs and there is little you can do about it other than create your own.

Just because Java is not viewed favorably by some random sample of hackers that pg may or may not know doesn't mean it's not an effective language. Hell, I think C and C++ are both horrible but I have to use them sometimes and while its not ideal for me it is what it is. If you wanna get paid, you'll use what you have to. (Joel Spolsky cover your eyes) I went to a Java school to computer science [GASP!] and it was fine. I already knew how to code so it was just a formality for me; however now that I'm looking at Android development I'm glad that I learned some Java along the way. A hacker is a hacker no matter what language they use and most programmers are not good enough to be called hackers anyway.

Predictions are very much like arses; everyone has them and they usually stink.

Exactly. All this talk about mediocre programmers use java and good programmers use "new cool hipster" languages is just a very biased statement.

There are hackers in every language and there are mediocre programmers in every language.

I've seen more mediocre programmers wanting to learn the new hipster languages than java. In 10 years from now these same languages will be on the java spot, and the cycle will continue.

But it does amuse me how so many people think they are better programmers because they use language X or Y.

Love the predictions analogy :p

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