I clicked the link expecting to find a discussion on the role a father has in the raising of children.
What I found was a wandering discussion about epigenetics with zero real-world applicability, given that all Fathers-to-be or existing Fathers cannot rewind the clock.
Changes in a childs crucial upbringing years will have orders-of-magniture more effect than this stuff.
Besides, it's dangerous to program little ears with 'you can't help being fat, it's because your father ate too much as a teenager'.
Personal responsibility is the most important thing for a child to learn. With personal responsibility, even the fattest person can get back to a normal weight range.
What I found was a wandering discussion about epigenetics with zero real-world applicability, given that all Fathers-to-be or existing Fathers cannot rewind the clock.
Changes in a childs crucial upbringing years will have orders-of-magniture more effect than this stuff.
Besides, it's dangerous to program little ears with 'you can't help being fat, it's because your father ate too much as a teenager'.
Personal responsibility is the most important thing for a child to learn. With personal responsibility, even the fattest person can get back to a normal weight range.