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I think this shows Groklaw's weakness. The collected hatred for US patent law blinded PJ and the other reporters from seeing how this trial was really shaping up. I thought it was pretty clear that Apple was winning handily but reading Groklaw's coverage would have given the opposite impression. Hindsight is 20/20 but I never had much doubt that Apple would win this case and I was generally surprised at the slant from Groklaw.

Not really. My reading of Groklaw told me that Apple will win for sure but Samsung will have plenty of grounds to appeal. Today's verdict was not a surprise at all.

Really, surprised at Groklaw's slant? While I know the bias in Groklaw is shared by many web developers (note I didn't just say "developers"), I've never been a fan of its cheerleading and it's attempts to make it look like they're looking at the law impartially. Lastly, I don't find their legal analysis well thought out. It's lack of impartiality hampers its ability to do good analysis.

I got all my coverage of this trial from Groklaw, and I certainly got the impression that it was heading south for Samsung.

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