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WebOS had many of the same UI elements; they actually copied the tactile feel quite closely. At the time of the Pre launch, the speculation was that Palm could afford to piss off Apple as their patent chest included some real gems from their work on the Palm Pilot and on Treo smartphones; I have a vague recollection that they had some key patents required to build a smartphone address book that Apple was already likely infringing.

Doesn't the phrase "patents required to build a smartphone address book" alone make you think that the patent system is broken?

On a similar note, I find the idea that future non-Apple devices might have been required to be triangular absolutely hilarious.

> The only patent the jury found that Samsung didn't infringe relates to the design of a tablet as having a rectangular shape and rounded corners. Throughout the trial, Samsung's lawyers frequently remarked that Apple shouldn't be given a monopoly on a rectangle with rounded corners.

-- online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444358404577609810658082898.html

Triangular Tablets?

Two Words: Dunder Mifflin

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