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So what's the magic in GoScale? Adding an API?

[Edit: Remove comment about spam]

We have built on top of the ground work of Linux Containers, and as well as building an API for it, we have made some deep system modifications to allow containers to do things which you would assume only paravirualisation could do. We are neither OS level nor Paravirtualisation, its a blurry point inbetween to get the best of both worlds.

Edit: Apologies for the spam, we misconfigured our emailing software.

If your aim is to be a PaaS vendor, you'd probably able to put something together much more quickly and cheaply by just licensing Joyent's SmartDataCenter product and building anything else you need on top of that. And then you'd be running it on a kernel which has been tried and tested over decades on many sites, rather than your own unique kernel modifications.

[Edit: Remove comment about spam]


I work for Joyent and think you are threatening us. You should not innovate, but use our stuff because we think its the best and don't think you can take any of our market share, but please don't try!

Ben doesn't work for Joyent but thanks :)

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