Well, in the largest cities of Brazil you can get 100mb internet for US$150, rent a good house for US$1000 (or an apartment for $500), and hire great talent for ~$2-3k/month; they all have active startup and developer scenes. As a bonus you get access to a booming mobile market :)
Surprisingly restrictive, as (last I recall) Brazil has a tit-for-tat policy against the US: restrictions the US puts on Brazilians coming to the US Brazil likewise imposes on Americans going to Brazil. You can, however, buy citizenship for $100,000 (At least I recall researching this. I can't find a reference for at the moment).
Same goes for Berlin (where I live), plus our Apple store opens in a few months, we will be a Lufthansa hub shortly, and Amazon works well here. There are also tons of hackers and startup events here!