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I used DDG for a few weeks, but ultimately switched back to Google. It was mainly for two things:

1) It's slightly slower than Google, which became more apparent after the fifth or sixth search of the day.

2) No images integrated with search results. I didn't realize how often I searched for images until I used DDG. At Google I usually get a few images and an "Images" link to click. At DDG I needed to add a !gi to my query.

Like JohnsonB said, there really need to be another draw besides just privacy.

I've found I add !gi to my search string subconsciously nowadays, when I know I want to perform an image search, whereas before I would enter my search terms, wait until google had loaded its results and then hunt for the images link to get the full image search results.

In some way it's 'trained' me to perform more targeted searches from the outset.

The slight lag before getting results is noticeable though.

I'm going to stick with the upstart for the moment nevertheless.

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