Ubuntu 12.04 user. But having been through multiple linux desktop starting with Fedora 9, am now tired. For my next box i want a basic linux kernel + bash + Xserver + xmonad WM. nothing fancier.
I bought a new laptop a few days ago. Ubuntu 12.04 makes it useable. I have multitouch laptop you cann't believe how much productive I am when I learned to use the few built in gestures and started making my own. It is very fast.
It came with Windows 7 which made it just dog ugly and slow, but then, I only had the default Windows installation for 2 hours ..
I was the same, made the jump to awesome wm instead (because I heard it had better multihead support (3 screens here) although I'm sure there is little in it) and couldn't be happier
Yep, am considering debian, ArchLinux, gentoo. Ofcourse building all the packages i need on top of the base. Right now, that's how the priority stands, but might move up ArchLinux.