Padmasree Warrior is so obviously suited for this job. After all, she was one of those incompetent, political executives who ruined Motorola, then exited with golden parachutes into the arms of new companies (which, of course, extended a warm and hearty "golden hello" to them). People like her are part of what is utterly wrong with our economy - there's an entire group of people running large portions of government and industry in America whose only talent is in manipulating people and assets; they don't actually create ANYTHING.
And of course, we have the business press more than happy to engage in a round of brown nosing, as they are always in need of "sources familiar with the matter" and "unidentified executives" for their gossipy insider stories (how do you think all of those articles come to fruition? Looking through garbage?).
As thbe CTO of America is likely to continue the grand tradition of Corporate America wherein people make lofty public statements, issue press releases, and then hope someone else will take care of that oh-so-difficult task of actually getting something done, I wholeheartedly support Padmasree Warrior for this job.
If you Google for my name + Motorola, you will see where I am coming from on this matter.
Interesting stuff. But saying one of isn't saying anything specific. As the CTO of Motorola immediately prior to and during the launch and success of the RAZR, you don't think she helped to make the product a success? Seems like she left before the fallout but I guess it's possible to spin that as either cowardice or wisdom.
Do you have anything specific to criticize her for? Lumping someone in with a negative peer group, especially one who voluntary left for greener pastures, isn't a strong knock against them.
You just reminded me that, during her tenure, she was one of the people responsible for cutting back on American engineering talent (or whatever there was left after the 90s) and moving nearly everything to Chindia.
Yeah, AWESOME choice for the US CTO, Obama! That's change I can believe in!
Seems like she left before the fallout but I guess it's possible to spin that as either cowardice or wisdom.
I wonder if you would love to call it wisdom if warrior does the same as CTO of a whole nation - hopping into a golden parachute just before it slides down.
Come on, you need a founder's spirit and loyalty in all the top executives at least the CEO, COO, CMO and CTO if you need a company to exist and survive.
And of course, we have the business press more than happy to engage in a round of brown nosing, as they are always in need of "sources familiar with the matter" and "unidentified executives" for their gossipy insider stories (how do you think all of those articles come to fruition? Looking through garbage?).
As thbe CTO of America is likely to continue the grand tradition of Corporate America wherein people make lofty public statements, issue press releases, and then hope someone else will take care of that oh-so-difficult task of actually getting something done, I wholeheartedly support Padmasree Warrior for this job.
If you Google for my name + Motorola, you will see where I am coming from on this matter.