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Is Pulse.me Stealing Content With Backing And Support From Microsoft? (forbes.com/sites/kellyclay)
5 points by kellyhclay on Aug 9, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Pulse just acknowledged in the comments they are actively scraping RSS feeds from publicly available content (in addition to partnerships with some publications) - which is usually a violation of copyright law.

If Pulse is in fact violating copyright law (not saying they are), how is it a violation when it's behind a password protected user account, but not when it's behind an app that requires authentication to access?

WSJ content for example was behind a pay wall. But the difference is really that before they were an "app" running as a browser. Now they are a Website republishing the content.

The user experience may be the same, but the difference is equivalent to the difference between cutting a picture out of a magazine an pasting it on your wall, and taking a picture out of a magazine, scanning, it and publishing it to your website.

Interesting read! Thanks for the info, Kelly!

Pulse is gorgeous but, it is just Tiles.js with a readability scraper.

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