When you consider how far and over how low-bandwidth a link each bit of data must travel, a geek's first question should really be why it uses so many pixels, not so few.
Another salient point is that pixel density/sensitivity aren't just a cost and time tradeoff, they are actually a direct technology tradeoff. Biger cells collect more photons and have less noise at higher effective sensitivities.
when not forgetting that #megapixels isn't everything, this is not so strange.. There's also pixel quality, dynamic range, ADC quality, lenses etc. High-end 10 year old cameras using 'only' 10 megapixels still take much, much better quality images than any brand new 40 MP smartphone camera.
Another salient point is that pixel density/sensitivity aren't just a cost and time tradeoff, they are actually a direct technology tradeoff. Biger cells collect more photons and have less noise at higher effective sensitivities.