I created an SaaS startup that became my full-time income in May last year. My subscription income peaked around November last year and then basically stagnated for maybe 6 months. Recently, cancellations have been outnumbering new registrations.
Coincidentally, I have been working less (hacking away at the inessential) by being way more selective in implementing features, experimenting way too much with pricing, and toning down my marketing (which basically consists on participating on forums and publishing blog articles). I was feeling burnt out and simply wanted to enjoy the fruits of my labor a little more, sometimes barely working an hour a day.
How would you advise me to proceed? Sell the business, ask customers why they cancel (most of them are just unavoidable -- e.g. "We're looking to only launch next month.", "We will look into your solution again.", etc. -- not switching to competitors), keep improving the product, ramp up marketing?
Ask your customers who are leaving. Don't guess their reasons for leaving. Actually ask all of them directly.
Ask the new customers who are signing up, why they are signing up?
Ask the customers who are not leaving, what they use it for, what they like about the service and what they don't. Corroborate with your own metrics.
It's a temporary phase. You'll get over this.