You seem to have a very strong opinion of what HN should be about, and yet this bubbling animosity for the OP and his content seems very out of place here.
The post's title was completely accurate, to the extent that you've admitted it's not something you want to read. Don't read it then.
The fact it's bubbling up the top posts means others found some merit in it. You want to lecture people against upvoting this content based on your personal reaction and needs, and feel compelled to fling about terms like 'wantrepreneurs', 'kids', 'self-indulgent bullshit'.
I'd prefer not to have to wade through comments full of seething resentment and antagonism, but I'm not going to lecture about it, because most HNers would find it very boring.
I'm a decade ahead and found the post a nice little read - seeing someone realise the importance of striving to find a balance. I like hearing notes from the ground from people at all stages of entrepreneurial activity.
Hacker News is not Hacker News From More Advanced, Insightful, Intelligent People Than Yourself At This Current State. That's a good thing.
See, this type of moronic response (avoid the actual content of a comment, engage in dismissive trolling response) is what is part of the 'decline' of the community you've attempted to flag. Ironic.
Edit: Original context: BenjaminCoe decided to reply to me with the xkcd comic referencing the, "Someone is wrong on the internet" thing. He has since deleted his comment without explanation.
The post's title was completely accurate, to the extent that you've admitted it's not something you want to read. Don't read it then.
The fact it's bubbling up the top posts means others found some merit in it. You want to lecture people against upvoting this content based on your personal reaction and needs, and feel compelled to fling about terms like 'wantrepreneurs', 'kids', 'self-indulgent bullshit'.
I'd prefer not to have to wade through comments full of seething resentment and antagonism, but I'm not going to lecture about it, because most HNers would find it very boring.
I'm a decade ahead and found the post a nice little read - seeing someone realise the importance of striving to find a balance. I like hearing notes from the ground from people at all stages of entrepreneurial activity.
Hacker News is not Hacker News From More Advanced, Insightful, Intelligent People Than Yourself At This Current State. That's a good thing.