I think he sets quite a high bar here. Like, just going through the basics of Noether’s Theorem is so far beyond what normally passes for popular science (which usually boils down to “the universe is really big you guys” and “quantum stuff is weird and nobody understands it”). Like, just using words like “conservation laws” and “Lagrangian” is risky already.
Personally, I would have liked it to dig deeper (as I already heard the basics of Noether’s theorem, but am not a physicist or have studied it in any great depth), but Quanta is not a scientific journal, it’s a pop-sci magazine. The article is a great intro.
Personally, I would have liked it to dig deeper (as I already heard the basics of Noether’s theorem, but am not a physicist or have studied it in any great depth), but Quanta is not a scientific journal, it’s a pop-sci magazine. The article is a great intro.