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As the article explains, that's not been implemented on Mac yet.

That's not correct and also not what the article says. They are only talking about Excel and PowerPoint.

"We're working on adding the Enable Copilot checkbox to Excel, OneNote, and PowerPoint on Windows devices and to Excel and PowerPoint on Mac devices."

I am using Word on my Mac (version 16.93) and do have a checkbox that disables Copilot.

Odd - I also have 16.93 on Mac and I don't get the checkbox (unless I just can't find it I guess).

Well, I'm on a Mac and it 100% has been implemented for me -- I tried to figure out how to turn it off as soon as I first saw it, went to preferences, found the checkbox. I didn't realize that hasn't been rolled out to everybody.

Updating story and a rolling update. It'll probably be there within a few days. But it is legitimate that some don't have the option yet.

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