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How does one get a list of the most cited papers of the last 5 years? Or, see trends on how a paper has been cited? Is there a site that does this?

Find a semi recent advanced textbook (preferably one that is used in at least one of the better schools) and use google scholar from there (both papers cited in the text and those citing it).

The formal bibliometric tools such as scopus, reuter-thompson etc are hugely misleading to say the least with the ever growing avalanche of publications over the last decade (increasing number of people are being paid bonuses for each publication in an "international" venue). See this character who according to reuter-thompson is a "rising star" of computer science [1] and also happens to be a collaborator of El-Naschie [2].

[1] http://sciencewatch.com/inter/aut/2008/08-apr/08aprHe/

[2] http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?storycode=42...

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