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Well I may have read "all colored girls" rather than "girls of all colors" but mostly it doesn't seem to make sense to call your organization BlackGirlsCode and have race be completely irrelevant. Why bring it up at all? It's encouraging race discrimination either way.

> Why bring it up at all?

Ever heard of black girls rock? This is a meme but most people have no clue.

> It's encouraging race discrimination either way

WHO is encouraged to discriminate racially by this? You? Not me.

If you are concerned with racial discrimination, please go visit your public schools across whatever U.S. state you live in and try to explain why there is such racial segregation even in the absence of school names such as Black Boys Academy. Hint, it ain't in the name.

also consider my other comment http://news.ycombinator.org/item?id=4262854 and understand that taking issue with the name, is precisely race discrimination. You'd feel better if it wasn't racial so you are almost certainly withholding support because it is racially identified. That's a self-contradicting position and the only way I can understand what you mean when you say it encourages race discrimination – because you have discriminated. Please prove me wrong with your support for BlackGirlsCode.

It encourages race discrimination because it furthers the idea that race is a category that we should use to group and identify people. It has nothing to do with me personally.

They are, by their own name, discriminating based on race. Even if it is for a positive goal. The problem is that it reinforces race as a significant distinguishing category when it should not be. Many other categories are far more significant. Like income level. In general, a very poor black girl and very poor white girl will have much more in common than a very poor black girl and a very rich black girl.

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