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Not applicable. This is not a new standard; merely a new tool.

Replace standard with tool. Still applicable.

So by that rationale, we should have stuck with Mosaic, and Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Konqueror are all bad things?

How about the various mail clients, office products, ftp clients, torrent clients & servers, programming languages, power drills, clothing lines, gasoline engines, kitchen knives and so on?

Tools are about innovation. Standards are about locking down feature sets so that tools can interact in a common way. The whole point of the xkcd comic is that too many standards makes it difficult to make tools, and adding yet another one-standard-to-rule-them-all usually backfires.

API docs often show examples with cURL. If people start writing examples with httpie, that's yet another thing to learn.

yeah, couldn't agree more

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